Read the first reply what an idiot. Why would he want to come to us? He played for us, bigger club, better league, more money, bigger transfer budget and he gets himself out of Doncaster.
Was it Darren Moore who nearly scored with a pitch length breakaway from defending a corner or summert?
I'll add my thumbs up too. I would be happy with that. Love that donny lad request a bet. What he doesn't realise is now it's made a song and dance. Our board may not have thought about it... Until now. Go on chien and Conway. We moan a lot, but **** me that would be a good appointment, and totally piss off the lovely people down the road
Its the power of the people of Donchester, I’ve walked amongst them, deluded isn't strong enough. I was there the other day, you’d think a road called The Great Yorkshire Way would circumnavigate huge swathes if our wonderful county and take in some of it’s finest, in actual fact The Great Yorkshire Way is a short stretch of bypass from Bessecar to Auckley, but the name is typical of the town and it’s thinking. It’s like the showoff neighbours we had as kids, two cars int drive but nowt int fridge as mi old nan used to say.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Like without this random donny fan he would’ve never been on the odds market.
Agreed. The rivalry feels a bit forced from them if I’m honest. I know there’s the locality but in my time supporting the reds we’ve barely been in the same division as them to build up any proper rivalry.
It must be just me then that isn't getting excited about this. Great player, great inspiration, great professional, but not convinced he'd be a great fit for us at this moment in time