I’m not sure what legal action you are talking about , was it the threat to Hearts if they appointed him
And where did the information come from? mmmmmmmmm. Every player, coach and football related person who uses agents do this .....ALL the time. Even right now.
A threat isn't legal action. These owners seem very keen to threaten legal action with everyone (Hearts, SFA, EFL, Stendel, Crynes) but never actually take legal action. Why do you think that may be? If you have a case, do it, or don't and keep your trap shut. But this bunch are very keen to avoid blame and put anyone else in line to cover their own repeated failings. Verisimilitude, the illusion of truth.
As I said earlier that I can't prove what I was told and that information gave me my belief. If he'd done what was claimed, I have no doubt that the club would've publicly shown their evidence and named the clubs. Personally, I don't have an issue with people having a different opinion to mine. But at the moment, I'm sticking to my views on Daniel Stendel & our board until I see actions that alter them, not someone else's opinion.
Why would he want to come back to this Nut House! Working for a group straight out of the 'Donald Trump School for integrity and performance'.
Ok being equally pedantic , the Crynes initiated legal proceedings not the other way round , I still don’t know what legal proceedings against Stendel you are talking about . The EFL threat worked and could be argued forced the EFLs hand in the Wigan case ( that’s why they don’t like us ) .
Confess to something you didn't do? For example, claiming a pub was illegally showing televised football matches, then deleting the post?
Yes I hear what you're saying mate but if someone makes false accusations then wouldn't you want to set the record straight? I know i would. I wouldn't want the untruths to linger without saying my side. Something not right about this
Not really, he hasn't responded to the allegations made to him weeks after he was sacked. If someone makes false accusations to you, which you know are wrong, are you just going to sit there and not say anything. I'd be putting the record straight i would
And how do you prove innocence? How can you provide evidence of something that didn't happen? The bottom line is if you've got proof that someone is being dishonest, then provide it.
I think the club sacked him for poor results and because he was so well liked by the fans tried to slurry his name rather than tell the truth to make it easier to digest. This inevitably threw up questions and sparked debates . The rest is just conjecture and part and parcel of modern day football. I must admit I believed a lot of it at the time but don't now.
"I've got proof that I didn't speak to Huddersfield about their current job vacation." Not sure how you do that? When you're accused of something that you believe not to be true, responding can also give the impression you're trying to cover something up. Best to say nothing unless the accuser has evidence against you.
No mate I haven't got evidence. All I'm saying is this: The board sacked Stendel. Then weeks later they state he was on gardening leave for his alleged contact with another Championship club. Stendel hasn't denied those claims. So what I'm saying is generally speaking if someone has made false accusations to you, you'd want to put the record straight, wouldn't you? Stendel saying nothing looks like guilt to me. That's my values and my credibility talking now. That's the way I was brought up. To tell the truth and speak up against lies and falsities