Who are these two thirds of people? theguardian.com/society/2020/oct/07/two-thirds-of-british-voters-think-eu-nationals-should-not-have-free-movement
Then ask them whether we should have free movement to Europe is it still 2/3rds. It was probably a random sample of retired people in the home counties
Who have holiday homes in France Italy or Spain and just don't get the link but will moan like hell when they can't get to spend time there without having the hassell of getting a visa, its the same with the Muppets round here when they realise they can't get their cheap booze and fags off the bloke round the corner cause he can't hire a van and stock up in France anymore because of border checks. It'll be we didn't vote for that we just wanted to leave the EU to take back control.
I love how they call themselves expats then criticise migrants. The lack of self awareness is stupendous
I Know people with homes in europe,most are of retirement age and all of them voted to remain (why wouldnt they).. the booze and fags game dried up more than ten years ago as the french and other eu countries increased duty on both,so the idea of vans tripping to france is well outdated, the majority of bent fags and booze arrive via containers,from various parts of the world. it puzzles me how the elderly are labelled as leave voters,often targetted as insular or racist etc etc, a point well worth remembering is that these same people, when they were 40 years younger in 1975,voted by a big majority to remain,,
My parents hate the word "expat": they are fully signed up greek speaking members of their wonderful community and are mightily disappointed with the brexit vote. They will no longer be entitled to freely access the Greek NHS (which they have done several times thus far) when we come out. I'm hoping they take up the privilege of Greek citizenship. They have no desire to come back here.
I think the facts show the elderly are the eurosceptics, as that has become the right wing position & people largely become more reactionary as they age. The political landscape was different in the 70's, with labour largely anti & the tories largely in favour, so there are labour people who have stuck with their stance (including some MPs I respect a lot, like Dennis Skinner). The 10 years of austerity "divide & rule" policies of the Conservative government have lead to this.
The booze cruises dried up, now criminal gangs use homeless and those on benefits to go on Tobacco bus tours. They pay em a few quid and they each buy up to 49 kilos of HRT or 50,000 fags. Still goes on at an industrial scale.
I can believe that is true. Leaving the EU with no deal will only make it easier for them IMO. The amount of paperwork & admin will mean less vehicles are checked. Smugglers paradise. No I won't do Wonder or Coolio.
Whilst it was a secret ballot, all the polls and surveys taken afterwards show clearly that the older voters overwhelmingly voted leave whilst under 30s overwhelmingly voted stay.
Exactly this mate, throw in the postal tobacco smuggling and the lorries and containers full its frightening. If you notice the Turner HRT is everywhere, a non UK brand which makes up a lot of the tobacco consuming in the UK. The average Intel lead lorry stop contains 6 million cigs or 5 to 6 tonnes of tobacco.
Free movement: Anyone can come to this country irrespective of skills, employment, attitude, or criminal record A controlled immigration system: We vote for a government to set criteria about who can come here to work or settle, and we can exclude those who aren’t financially independent, have criminal records, or who wish us harm What’s the issue with the latter?
We have a points based system in place, we also have the ability to remove EU nationals who can't support themselves. We also have the ability to We already have a functioning points based system. We already have the ability to remove EU nationals who can't support themselves and to remove or refuse entry to anyone who isn't condusive to the public good. Why don't we, because they cut loads of my colleagues doing this exact job in 2012 and never replaced them. My job was removing people and deporting criminals so I know my onions. I'd probably do ok on Mastermind in this subject area.