A family member has been told the same (except wasn't offered the advice about being able to go to boots). They were simply told that ear stringing has been stopped due to covid. I'm going to give them a call now as they've been deaf in one ear since August despite numerous calls to their GP who flat out refused to help and just suggested olive oil.
Oops. To be fair said family member is a bit thick so there wouldn't be anything between the ears to stop the cord
Give your local mp An email . The more things like this are highlighted the more MPs take note . Lots of people don’t get involved with their MPs nowadays which is a shame as it’s easy to email them now and if enough complain the more they take note .
2 things on this 1) If you google it, lots of stories going back to 2016 about GP withdrawing the service 2) Don’t forget you’re GP is a private entity. I would not be surprised if it is the Drs deciding it’s not profitable enough.
Not profitable enough! Don't understand this, it's an NHS service that I've paid NI contributions to for nearly 40 years
She's kind, gentle, compassionate and sees looking after me as doing her bit for care in the community!
No its not: sadly. As pointed out they are independant of the NHS and thus can choose which services to offer.
It’s been an NHS service for years , the fact that doctors can choose which services etc says more about the privatisation policy over years little by little untill now people are seeing first hand what privatisation means . People have been denying it’s been privatised etc because the things they were putting into place were hidden and now we are seeing the consequences of years and this is only the first stage .
I think the privatisation of GP surgeries has been pretty transparent. They are contracted to provide services for nhs England patients and receive 152£ for every one they have on their books. This allied with private enterprise leads to a healthy profit I guess.
GPS yes they have always been private but the services were NHS . My Doctor has never personally syringed my ears but the NHS Nurse has . Most time the pit nurse did them as well on the NHS . The governments over years have done exactly to the NHS what they did to the BBC with the tv liscence . Put it onto the surgeries and the Doctors were always gonna get out of as much services as they could . It won’t be long before we’re paying for everything below a stay in hospital . The thin end of the wedge went in years since the repercussions to the NHS user are now becoming clear despite the Tory’s still denying it’s been privatised .