No idea on 1. On 2 you will be drinking the same amount of alcohol so assuming you drink it in the same period it should have much the same effect. The extra water means you might have less of a hangover though. 3. I don't think there's a definitive answer, it's a bit of a mystery like why we need to sleep.
How do spiders know how to build webs? As far as I'm aware they aren't raised by their parents and taught, so how is that information passed on to each new generation? Can genes pass on hunting techniques?
They must do. Same as salmon and eels spending years at sea then returning to the same area of a river they were born to spawn.
I'm just glad spiders are the size they are otherwise they'd be the apex predator on the planet. Just makes me itch typing about them.
if you test positive for Covid 19 but are completely asymptomatic have you actually got Covid 19 ? why are Wales playing their Euro Championship games in Azerbaijan ? if you're travelling East how far do you go before your'e travelling West ?
They wouldn't work if they were bigger - their legs wouldn't be able to support the body. Square cube law and all that
2. Is an interesting one. Maybe some of our resident scientists can advise, but I thought the concentration of the alcohol would be diluted. I'm vaguey thinking back to my A level checmistry days and molarity of solutions etc, but could be wrong.
Why do pubs (when open) serve chips and mushy peas in little tubs rather than on the plate? Why do I now grow hair on my ears when I never needed it there a few years ago? Is 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' a real word?
Who first saw a chicken have a period (produce an egg) then thought it would be a good idea to eat it?
Why do people go to the coast and then moan on social media about large crowd's when infact they were part of said large crowd. Why does coffee ( to me) taste slightly different if you put the milk in last ? Why do some people 100% believe the earth is flat when science proves their theory to be 100% flawed
Still the same amount of alcohol, same as how a straight vodka is the same as a vodka and coke in terms of units