Would have laughed when Cameron wanted him to stand up as a candidate anywhere. But please god I wished it was Barnsley. . Would have loved him to pay me a visit canvassing. Botham a lord and a true blue. Swearing allegiance to the queen and the monarchy. Ffs. Got it on the back of his support for Brexit. £300 per day. £600 if he turns up. Great fundraiser and cricketer. But for Brexit. You couldn’t make it up. No wonder Tony Benn gave up his title to sit in the commons. and Skinner must be hanging his head in despair.
Won’t stop Chakrabarti or Lord Prescott taking their shilling, Botham rewarded for Brexit Chakra rewarded for whitewashing the antisemitism in corbyns labour party Starmer has since apologized for. This stuff happens on both sides of the house. It’s not just Goughy who sold out.
The people of Bolsover must be absolutely insane for not voting him in again. AND he was on their side on brexit.
Whether we like it or not. ( but believe me I’d scrap the lords) the other two were politicians and hold the commons to account Chakrabati was criticised on both sides of the house for her nomination. Prescott took the role on the advice of his wife so he could influence policy. On the environmental issues. Cricketer Botham (a mate of Boris) got his through his support of Brexit. Will be a fine representative of the rights of the working class along with other know nowts from any side of the political spectrum . But hey let’s not forget the supporters of the tories given peerages cos of their donations to the most . privileged party in society. Who, roll up,pick up the pay and do sod all. Turning up to vote if it suits. Blocking government bills then having go to the monarch for approval. How outdated does it have to become. These two have just been given honours. We could go on all day about those in the past who were unworthy. From ALL sides. If you want to check on Corbyn’s views on anti Semitism go ahead. And his views on all types of racism go ahead. Those that criticised him within the Labour Party. Did so cos they had an agenda to get shut by hook or by crook. But hey there’s no racism within the Tory party. It’s soon swept under the carpet. By the party and right wing press.
Back on topic tho as to the start of the thread, I know the bloke & he’s spot on. One of the best ODI bowlers this country has ever had & he’s from the TARN, He’s now a sports journalist/ radio host & has made a living from it. I, personally, don’t think he’s ever forgot where he’s from, he’s done good & fair play to him. He’s got recognised for what he’s done, we should respect that & give him some credit
Hate the honours system. There are so many people who are deserving of an award. Lots who do not. Much prefer the pride of Britain awards. No titles. Just recognised for their achievements. Selected by a panel based on joe public’s nominations. There’s a guy in our village who has poured all his efforts into cleaning out the river on the heritage trail. Received a local award. And deserves all the credit it warrants.
But the system is there, it’s not going away. A local lad who was one of the best cricketers England has ever had, he’s local to us all, he’s not up his own arse. He’s making a living & with the charity stuff he’s now doing, is giving something back. It’s very very easy to criticise anyone, but honestly when praise is warranted, it should be given.
Hence the pride of Britain awards. I’m not excluding anyone. Re Botham Bit of a bugger when you have to swear allegiance to the queen. Country to a degree yes. Queen her successor and heirs no. We had a republic for 11 yrs. should have stayed that way. Pity Cromwell abused his powers.