A quick recommendation for your viewing tonight. BBC2 7pm. I've had the great privilege to meet Rob a few times in my YE days doing hospitality at Leeds Rhinos. He was always a favourite player of mine because despite his short stature he was brave; never shirking a tackle on some one 3 times his size. His speed, evasive and jinking fun always gave excitement and lifted the crowd! He has deteriorated recently but with the love and support of his family he continues to show incredible determination and bravery and be there for his young children. Inspiring watch I am sure. Respect Rob. Legend.
Thanks I didnt know that was on. Its an absolutely devastating disease lost a work colleague to it a few years ago and it must be one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. How anyone can cope with it without just breaking down I dont know
My best mate's wife has got it. Lockdown has stolen the best six months of her remaining life when she would have still been able to travel, have days out and make memories. Instead they've been forced to stay indoors in the name of trying to prevent people from catching a much less dangerous illness.
He's just been on BBC News, can barely talk..cracking little player for Leeds Rhinos, definitely one of my favourite rugby league players
a truly vile illness (sometimes known as the 1000 day illness) - friend died of it a couple of years ago - her husband, a Methodist Minister left the Ministry and lost his Faith having witnessed the illness closely.
Heart breaking, what a great man putting everyone before himself. So hard to watch without getting emotional.
So incredibly sad. Probably one of the worst things that can happen to a person. Such a lovely guy, interviewed him a few times during my journo days.
What an incredibly tear jerking programme that was. It had me in bits. Heartbreaking to see Robs deterioration since January, which shows just how vicious this disease is. Fortunately he has a loving family and group of friends around him. His wife is a rock in such heart rending circumstances. Well done to Sally Nugent for following the story in such a compassionate way. I suspect she wanted to cry herself at various stages.
The thing that really got me was, here's a normal lad from Pontefract living a dream playing a game he loved, being successful and then this happens. Just goes to show that you should live life to the full and enjoy what you have. I love Rugby League because it is still a sport of the working class. His family were so 'normal' , no airs and graces, just solid good people.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000nggd/rob-burrow-my-year-with-mnd Watched it last night and wow it was sad. He should be looking forward to many decades of happy retirement with his young family and it's all being taken from him. How bad that it doesn't even have a treatment available. If you haven't watched it click the link when you've a spare half hour.
Lost a good mate of mine to MND, so my heart goes out to the anyone suffering from the disease whilst not forgetting their families of course.
Well done to Sally Nugent for making such a wonderful documentary - respectful and sensitive to Rob, his wife, parents, family and friends. When his Dad choked up saying, "I've never felt as proud as I do now", that was the emotion tipping point for me. I don't think I've been so choked and uplifted at the same time. He was brave on the field but what bravery he's showing now and supporting others. A truly amazing family and 30 minute experience.
Watched this today, in tears 5 mins into programme, when he played against my team, Hull FC, always wished he was playing for us rather than against us, truly inspirational person, need to find a cure for this horrendous disease.