And people wonder. ? The great Tory party, the party of the people. Happens in all political persuasions “b4 anyone pipes up”. For tories it’s part of their make up mate . Wonder how Boris will defend him. Cos I can’t see DC offering up a viable excuse.
The depressing thing is now no one bats an eyelid. 20 years ago Cummings would have been forced out for that alone - now everyone just accepts that Friends of the Party are exempt from the rules that apply to the masses.
I't does seem that we have a Government to whom lying and cheating and nepotism and using the system to syphon off tax payer money to their friends is a way of life and they just have no shame in it.
Like any of them are any different, remember the expenses scandal? They are all fine upstanding folk until they get there and then most of them are snouts straight in the trough!
I’m glad there’s finally been some sort of a consequence for him out of this. Absolutely nowhere near enough, he should have been sacked and the charges should be backdated but I am glad that going forward they will no longer get away with not paying it and it’s all his fault as no one would have known about it if it wasn’t for his little trip out - it’s going to be quite an expensive eye test.
I don't understand how he holds such influence. He's a goblin-like little lettuce who looks about 10 stone wet-through, with the speaking voice and charm of a used teabag. Why would you allow yourself to be controlled and influenced by someone like that?
Every time he appears on TV Going towards number ten I always picture the street as Rillington Place.
From a long line of influential evil bar stewards. The people running the country now are ancestors of the people running the country 70 yrs ago. Thatchers trickle down economy has proven to be a sham. Money and influence are more concentrated in the elite now than they were at the end of the 2nd world war.
Should have been sacked in March after he ignored the Lockdown rules THAT HE IMPLEMENTED. Ignorant is an understatement
The Scot Nat leader in the House of Commons was even worse than Cummings, plus young Kinnock driving to Wales for a family party!! They are both MPs whilst Cummings is not.
If Cummins is punished non of the other offences happen imo . He may not be an MP but he was way more than a spectator drawing up the rules he broke .