Even Boris now telling industry to prepare for it. somebody must have stolen his 'oven ready' deal ... clown.
But it's the easiest deal in history. And the track-and-trace has been working brilliantly for months, and the spreadsheet never even broke once.
Two sides to every story, maybe the oh so wonderful EU (cough) should have at least switched the oven on... I think any UK government would have been crazy to back down on the fishing rights and state aid issue for starters.
From day 1 it was always on the cards for a no-deal Brexit if anyone could not see that then I'm afraid they must be as dense as Liz Truss.
Wouldn’t it be nice if one day...just for once maybe... those who voted for brexit admitted they’ve been lied to. You don’t even have to accept you were wrong, I’m sure you don’t think you were and that’s fine. But it’s pretty obvious you were lied to. You should own that and be angry not apologetic.
******* Tories. Taking advantage of the day of the Woodrow contract news to bury this story. We see you!
Clown is close - but I think something else starting with "c" is probably more apt. I HATE this scumbag with all my passion - and everything his divisive party has done and is doing to this country.
I'm delighted we have left. You can't stomach the idea that the Majority voted for it (Just Like The Tory Party). Get used to Democracy and not Communism.
Absolutely mate, I'm chuffed we've left the largest trading bloc in the world and can now make world-beating deals with the likes of the Ivory Coast. I'm delighted we're going to be led by a morally corrupt government who siphon off taxpayer money to their offshore shell companies, and can basically do as they please without consequence. I'm so happy for the lorry park that's going to be permanently stationed in Kent. Bloody brilliant isn't it! And its all thanks to leave-voters like you!
buu that’s not what I asked you. If you are delighted you’ve been lied to and are so pleased about that then there’s no real point is there. Thinking is dead.
You may dislike the Tories. The fact is that they are the majority government. The fact is that the referendum had a majority to leave the EU. All the name-calling, whinging and whining won't make a bit of difference. Let's get on with it.
He tells business to get prepared, his government departments are woefully unprepared and this game of brinkmanship now will result in at best chaos.
You blinkered fool, the only link this country has to Communism is Tory underhand deals and Comrade Cummins