I've never quite understood how in Football it's acceptable to to use any means possible to con the ref. Almost unheard of in most sports, Rugby, Cricket, Hockey etc.
One incident in first half struck me when the odious Martin crushed solbauer in the box, leaving him holding his head. Martin walked straight past him. Never looked down or asked after his welfare. They constantly fouled, including for second goal and so glad it cost them points, just not at solbauers expense. Btw what a player he is making. Think James is going to make it all gel a bit and improve sol and Alex no end.
Cheating in rucks was standard practise when I played Rugby...the difference was the opposition didn't appeal to the ref...they just stamped on your hands, no-one took offence you just accepted you'd been caught.
Not to mention Mawson twice pushing and constantly trying to intimidate Woodrow with no action from the ref. But as soon as Anderson pushed one of their players he got the book out.
I thought mawson was a dick in the 1st half constantly fouling and following though on challenges, woodrow was more than unhappy with him. But he got away with it. *edit didnt see fireds post already mentioned this.
It's a yellow card for unsporting behaviour under the definition of "makes unauthorised marks on the field of play" The referee witnessed it yet decided to take no action. I'd be reporting both the players and the referee to the EFL and pushing for the strongest action to be taken against both.