Absolute volatile combination.... Church leaders getting involved in this internal markets bill.. Whether it is pro brexit or pro remain, I'm never a fan of dragging religion into the mix. Never ends well.
Religion should never be a factor in making government policy. Freedom of religion, yes, but politics is a serious business. I've no time for magical, genocidal beings in the sky when it comes to the voting booth.
I'm not religious but their role as both peers and bishops is surely to try and prevent harm to the country and its population so if they believe Boris breaking international law will cause harm they should speak up. They are independent of party politics so can't be whipped into voting for something they believe is wrong, it's a pity the whole upper chamber isn't the same we might have better governance if it were.
As a 100% atheist, I kind of disagree. Jesus spoke about the poor, illness, law, taxes etc. It doesn’t get much more political than that. And to avoid confusion, I don’t believe in god, I don’t deny that a person called Jesus probably existed.
I tend to keep my politics to myself , simply because usually the people expressing their views always think they are right , debate is pointless as by and large they want to impose their views & beliefs on others, whilst accepting other peoples views are always wrong , unfortunately it is very prevalent on this site & although I tend to read all the threads, I avoid contributing simply because everyone seems to be judged on which way they lean .
My politics have been determined by the experiences of myself, my community, my family and my country both domestically and Globally. Unfortunately this experience has taught me that the Tory party and their pursuit of their political ideology have and always will be ******** towards the aforementioned
As an Atheist I have no problem with Church leaders or leaders of other religions commenting on things that affect their communities, indeed, it would be a failure on their position not to. That is not to be confused with actually having a role in the decision making. BTW who's the leader of the Atheists I want a voice as well
Your answer has perfectly summed up why I do not get involved , irrespective of anybody"s persuasion you refer to someone as b-----ds , rest my case
Oh, but it's ok for the wife of a sitting MP to be elevated to the house of lords, after being the head of a company who's data was shared, in breach of the law, for this same person to they be given billions of public money to spunk away on a track and trace system that has failed to work???????? Meanwhile those with seats in there due to their religious beliefs should not be heard????? Do yourself a favour and give your head a good shake until it clears...
The Tories have been ********, even worse in my experience. Don’t take it personal the Tories don’t. Indeed, they seem to revel in it.