Fill yer boots with the Hamlet ones They are all here - car wash bunker wig in a restaurant photo booth the wall and some newer cinema ads I dont recall seeing
The Guinness one in black and white. Tick followed rock followed tick. Horse appearing out of the waves. Oh and Shake n Vac.
Not an advert as such .... but what an evocative tune !!!!! You will remember all those ads associated with this, KiaOra, cigarettes, local car sales, local tailors, with the voice of Patrick Allen and the like. Sitting in the Odeon, ice cream with little wooden or plastic spoon in hand, watching adverts about Barnsley shops and businesses.
Scotch VHS tapes and the sticky tape were/are produced my 3M who are a huge technology company. Incidentally they boasted a lifetime guarantee for the tapes and still honour that guarantee today!
I recall one for something called Milka Lila Pause, which was a chocolate bar, although strangely not usually available in Kendray in my youth. The advert I remember - if I remember it correctly - ended with the phrase "A taste sensation that explodes with pleasure in your mouth". Unsurprisingly (if I remember it correctly) the advert didn't reign long. I hope I've remembered it correctly, because if I haven't it might attract oppropbrium. Anyway, I can find no trace of it on YouTube. The nearest I could find for this product was the one below, which does at the least appear to feature a spirited young lady!
Brilliant. The original is the best IMO, although I did not realise that so many different ones had been made.