another daft decision by an insane govt that in itself will achieve nothing other than to make poor people poorer
So alternatively what would you suggest? A two week welsh-like lockdown proposed by the Labour led Welsh assembly?
It’s beyond crazy. And a part of the reason the daft conspiracy theories have taken hold. All it will do is cripple business, impoverish people and do little to stop Covid. Local lockdowns I cannot see any logic to really but if you were to have them the first thing you’d do is close all the unis and colleges.
What would you have him do? He kicks up a stink and they ignore him like Manchester and do it anyway. Or he tries to get as much money from gov as possible and accept the lockdown as no choice in the matter.
I think it would be the right think for all the northern regions to work together and request politely that the situation in Manchester is addressed before any other regions are impacted.
the issue is councils are predominantly pretty selfish and are trying to balance the books so once money is offered by gov most will jump at the chance to accept it. So I don’t expect many to kick up a stink. Lots of the councils I’ve worked for this year have been open about shortfalls in funding and 60 million would fix a lot of these shortfalls for each region
Boris’s speech thanking the North and promising everything is Tory propaganda and nothing else . Thatcher did a similar speech when she won the election and did the exact opposite to the speech, Unless you were well off enough but a quick reshuffle of the boundaries made it almost impossible to vote her out .
On an unrelated note my kids entire school in Wombwell is closed from 1pm today. 5 cases amongst the teachers across year groups.
not shocked, first week back a teacher friend of our tested positive, the kids have all been on holiday most aren’t showing symptoms and teachers are catching it. Madness having schools opec
141 club in Kingstone sold 300 tickets at the weekend now closed temporarily due to corona outbreak. Hearing a lot of cases in Dodworth from people that were there. Be careful out there !!