why? Hundreds of people in a tin can for 4 hours breathing recycled air (COVID now suspected as being air borne and wasn’t at the time) versus thousands of people in open air, admittedly both are bad, but I suspect flights and airports were worse. And that’s ignoring people flying to countries with more cases then us and bringing it home with them
There's a few myths flying about on this (in general - not just on here). - People just want the pubs open so they can have a pint. Not true. - People against lockdown don't care about society. Not true. - Holidays are a big factor in the second wave. Not true. If the government choose to lockdown then they have to support everyone with the 80% furlough package that was originally offered. And that has to be for everyone, regardless of profession or employment status (i.e. freelancers/self-employed). However, as much as lockdowns halt the spread of the virus, we came out of lockdown in June and it took until mid-September for this second ripple (as it isn't a wave when compared to March). Why? What coincided with the spike in positive cases? Education opening up. Not hospitality. Not hairdressers. Not bookmakers. So where have we focused our efforts? Everywhere but education and care homes. We're crippling small businesses and the effects of that will be far greater than the deaths from Covid. It feels like we're hurtling in to an abyss of poverty, civil unrest, and the gap between the rich and the poor widening like we've never seen in this country. I think it's an absolute horror show of data sets and analysis. The amount of people that have shared things on here that are blatantly manipulated drives a lot of the ill feeling towards those that are 'anti-lockdown' - which is a crazy negative stick to label someone with when essentially they want the same end result as you, but just think it should be done in a different way. I think we need our lives back. Regional lockdowns won't work and the support isn't there to at least soften the blow. We're going to **** it up on both counts.
Im all over the shop with this. If nothing is done the situation will get worse, my wife will be more exposed as a nurse, i probably wont get a chance to hug my parents in the foresaeable, nor the kids their grandparents and more importantly vice versa and there will 100% have to be another lock down anyway. Regional lockdowns are nonsensical by the fact that e.g the people in manchester take the hit on their lives, livelihood, futures and mental health for a month then reopen again. Cue 50 stag and hen parties (pretending to be in groups of 6) descend on the city and respread it. A 2 week properly funded circuit breaker kicks my kids out of college and school during their last years of a levels and gcses when theyre already up against it both content and mental health wise. I genuinely dont know what the least **** option is because everyone involved in the decision making has a personal angle and not the welfare of the country at heart.
Not sure where to start on this one. I said above Big problem number 1 - MP's behaviour - several prominent MP's and Cummings didnt follow the rules - its no great surprise when others in the population dont feel compelled to follow them either. Not saying its the right attitude but its human nature Big Problem number 2 - you are blaming people going on holiday - but the covid rates remained low and flat through the summer - where is your evidence that going on holiday is a main cause of the issues we see now. Big problem number 3 - "workers still going to work as couldn’t afford to be off sick, " - I suppose its selfish to want to keep your house and be able to feed your family but fairly understandable if there is no government support The rise was driven by the govenrment decision to send the schools and Universities back and tell everyone to get back to the office The lack of a properly working track and trace - the government The lack of proper funding for those forced to not work - the government The entire sh t show is the fault of the government if you think the blame lies the public you have fallen for their propaganda and lies
I wasn’t comparing going Skeggy v overseas travel. It was that there seemed a bigger risk of taking it to Skeggy than bringing it home from Skeggy
you must be seeing a different thing to myself or are choosing to ignore it, because all I’ve seen from January onwards if people blatantly ignoring every single rule given to them, I still see more masks worn with a nose uncovered then I do with a nose covered, I still see and hear house parties around my area each weekend. During main lockdown people around here were carrying on with life as normal as far as I could tell, with only a minority fully conforming. It’s hard to not blame people in this case? And most people I talk to agree that many didn’t bother. My family fully isolated for months and only left to go to Tesco, and yet all I saw was people doing as they saw fit.
We're going to close your business, isolate you from your friends and family and severely limit your leisure options. Would you mind telling us why you don't like that, you lefty liberal conspiracy theorist.
Could pubs get round these measures by simply offering people food? Could my local just start serving hot dogs, pie n' peas and burgers?
Well apart from the obvious contradiction that if you isolated for months and only went out to go to tesco I am not sure how you know everyone was carrying on as normal... Thats not been my experience where I am - in the main lockdown the streets were deserted - if I went out for my allowed one hours daily excersise there was little evidence of anyone carrying on as normal. but even assuming you are correct whats your explanation for the fall in infections to quite low levels during the main lockdown and it remaining low until September - then taking off again if everyone was just carrying on as normal - I am curious
They could but dont forget that you cant socialise either which is one of the main reasons I go to a pub The bizarre thing is you can go to work in an office with others but you cant then go to the pub for lunch unless you all sit at seperate tables and dont talk to each other Single people go to pubs for company - no point if its not allowed
I’m sorry but you just defended people going to work with COVID but attack me for buying food? Considering you couldn’t get a single food delivery slot for weeks at the time, my partner was in a shielding group, not that I need to explain myself to you... Secondly your entire argument makes no sense, so you said everyone followed the rules and rates dropped so why are they now at almost peak numbers again? You say holidays aren’t to play over summer, so where did it come from? Considering no one can carry the virus after the first week of having it? Clearly people have brought it back from holiday. The reason numbers dropped during summer was that enough people followed the rules (even if only following some of the rules) to stop spreading on mass. Now we’ve had pubs schools and holidays for months it’s zoomed back up and spreading like crazy again across the entire country.
Because how could a pub possibly prove you all work together, you could also be working socially distanced like most officers which you wouldn’t be in a pub. Makes perfect sense to me, especially as you wouldn’t wear a mask in the pub. You yourself have admitted symptoms don’t show for 3 days so why would you want to drink and eat with a colleague?
he said i couldn’t be isolating if I went to Tesco? Which btw is profoundly insulting when a bulk of this country sat on their arses being paid and I haven’t had a day off all year
Don't know. It says "substantial meal" on the Tier 3 guidelines. As ever, it's a clear as mud what these options mean