No. My criticism of hunting being exempt wasn't due to animal welfare concerns. It was due to the elitism and discrimination being shown by Boris and his posh mates.
But of course hunting should be exempt is a civilised activity favoured by privately educated people who know how to behave properly. Can’t compare that to working class Northerners who want to play soccer and socialise in bars and can’t be trusted outside their homes. Well unless they are in a factory where they can be supervised
Supermarkets I've been in have been pretty good with sanitisation stations on entry, one entrance and exit, everyone wearing a mask and trying to social distance if possible. If you're suggesting supermarkets are the problem then we're f****d
Every supermarket I’ve ever been in, you don’t see social distancing, people leaning over each other, brushing past, picking things up putting them down etc. I agree the shops are doing as much as they can, it’s the public. Every pub/restaurant I’ve been in though, I’ve seen the majority of people acting sensibly.
Pubs arent the problem - supermarkets arent the problem neither are gymns organised or outdoor sports - I dont even think Hunting (which is specailly exampt) is a problem either - though I am not a fan of it I still cant quite get my head around the fact that all summer there is no problem with pubs and other leasure activities. Send the schools and Universities back and tell people to go into the office - large increases especially in Universality cities so the action is to close down the leasure industry with all the problems that causes for employment and peoples well being
It’s no coincidence that the higher rates are all In cities with multiple universities, Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle. Sheffield and Leeds seem to be slightly behind but looking at the government’s presentations they are lumping Yorkshire in with the North East! Local lockdowns imminent by the looks of it.
whats the legal definition of a "substantial meal" what happens if I am in a restaurant in Liverpool ( not that its likely as the moment) if the Mrs orders a salad and I order a meat pie - is she only allowed a soft drink but I can have a beer - or do starters count
Sheffield and Hallam County FA just released guidelines - adult ladies teams or players not allowed to travel between tiers for training or games. So Sheffield teams can only play Sheffield teams, and players who don’t live in the same town as their team can’t play. Effectively that is the season done with one game in. My daughter’s team won’t have enough players, and they can only play 3 teams. Yet Junior teams can play, as can disabled teams.
My lad’s u15 team is in Sheffield but we’re in Dronfield. Not sure whether they’ll carry on and if he can play with them or not. Might end up training on Bowshaw roundabout.
Rugby league been banned since March. Supposed to be finally back this weekend. Team I coach been given 3 friendlies befor end of November but I can’t see a 3 going a head. Hope they don’t do it before this weekend . Lasses will be devistated if they don’t get to play at least once
Unis and colleges need to be on line. School need to be staggered / on line. Office workers should work from home unles they can’t. Then we could try a hard short lockdown and save what the tories dismiss as unviable businesses by trying to go back to normal. Cinemas why they aren’t opening midweek as spaces for gigs I don’t know. Of course none of that will happen because well tories really.