4 of every 5 people in an ICU are obese. Another clear as day stat as to who is at highest risk, which we couldn't have known in the early days of the pandemic.
We couldn't have known that obese people are more at risk? Erm yeah we could. I've known my whole life
Whilst obese people (of which I am one) are more at rock of most diseases, including Covid, that chart does not say that 4/5 people in ICU are obese. Obese is defined as bmi over 30. 30 odd percent are in the range 25-30 - which is overweight. Though I’m yet to see anyone with a BMI of 26 that looks remotely fat! The percentage of obese people in icu is about 45% on that chart. The percentage of population which is obese is around 30% - and it gets higher in older age groups (who are also more inclined to be in icu) - so the increase in percentage of admission by obesity is noticeable but not as significant as you’d think. Age is a much bigger factor.
It says overweight not obese. The percentage of people aged 65+ who are overweight/obese is somewhere in the mid 70s, so actually this doesn't say that much about weight as a risk factor.
No they are not - please dont make misleading headline statements it says overweight not Obese - there is a big (sorry) difference I am overweight but not obese, as are over 1/3 of the country- nearly 2/3rs ( over 60% are above ideal weight and I suspect a higher percentage of older people than that - this story isnt a big one ) I am heavier than I think I should be but even if I lost weight to where I think my ideal weight is I am still classed as overweight source - The Health Survey for England 2017 estimates that 28.7% of adults in England are obese and a further 35.6% are overweight but not obese. Obesity is usually defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above. BMI between 25 and 30 is classified as 'overweight'.
I'm sure I remember reading that being overweight was a big risk factor when Johnson was hospitalised.
There's not enough data in the chart to do a proper analysis of that. I'd want to combine variables, age range and bmi for example, and look at the percentage of a demographic that were being admitted. There are more white people in this country than any other ethnicity, so, everything being equal, you would expect more white people being admitted. Absolutes don't tell us if ethnicity is a factor, far more telling would be the percentage of each ethnicity admitted in relation to their numbers in the general population.
This is one of Huddersfield Giants' star players, Aidan Sezer. Hes 90kg and 180cm. That puts him at a BMI of 27.7= "overweight". The fat *******... Those stats mean **** all. What a refreshing change.