Has kept the leaky boat afloat till the new Captain takes over. Two away draws in a week is good. Deserves a bit of credit.
I’m not sure about his substitutions. Could’ve easily been 4 points. However, today if we’re being honest. Walton deserves the credit for the point. So could’ve just as easily be 1 point from 2.
That's like saying Walton gave em 2 points on wednesday, so it could have been 3 from 2. Or 4 Which Walton do you want to use to praise or bury Murray?
Done the job as caretaker, just hoping our 2 injured players recover soon and it was more precautionary than anything else.
Yes, you’re right. I’d expect him to save it. But he’s redeemed himself and more today with the two fantastic saves. You’ll go some to find a better save in the championship today.
Good point today, bad point midweek. Probably about what we could have hoped for. Onwards and upwards.
Ready and waiting eh? Barnsley's only BFC manager groupie. Did you not get the same feeling for Stendel and Struber? Probably not. In a beerkellar, one looked like he needed any sort of mate after 8 pints, the other looked like he was trying to find his next serial kill.
I didn't get excited about Stendel until the opening game of the season which blew me away but as a person he was great on the open day with the kids despite obviously not having much English. Didn't get any sort of feeling about Struber's appointment. It may also tie in with Kanew and Britain looking good and Woodrow and Mowatt looking better by being brought forward more,
I respect your feelings. I have a feeling that any forward we get in from the unattached bench list will be useless for a pressing game.
I just been thinking nobody has really outfootballed us this season apart from Chelsea. With a bit of nouse we could be top of the league. Luton was a snap shot. Reading we have two men sent off and Middlesbrough we don't turn up. The other draws we gift goals and decide to go for a spa trip vs Coventry.
No clean sheets, no wins and thrown away a lead in both games. I won't be giving him too much credit.
Definitely has kept the boat afloat imho. He must be gutted again not to win a game as coach though, he must wonder what he has to do to get a win. Heart ripped out of his team and tactics even before the game got underway with 2 injuries in the warm up. Already on Plan C in the 5 minutes he had with the players before the start of the game. Let's give thanks to Adam for his fine efforts the last 3 weeks in the turbulent time since Struber left. Thank you Adam