Indeed the Mean And ‘roughly half’ could have been 49.9999% but we live in a world where 52% is a massive majority when it suits.
Don't worry you can be as insulting, arrogant and condescending as you like if you end it with a Though such a attitude in person would like lead to a few thick lips.
But it's been amplified over the last 10 years under these charlatans. The rich have got rich and the poor have got poor under every metric. And the rich don't give a ****. And neither do the government.
Those aren't deaths attributed to covid-19 they're deaths of people who happen to have it. Considering we have thousands and thousands of asymptomatic people being tested positive for it I'd love to know what percentage of those deaths with it are because of it
So none of those deaths were caused by the virus? If so where's the statistics to back this up? If what you say is true, then no-one has to worry, the virus won't kill you and the 45,000 already dead just happened to have it. I'm assuming that when a doctor attributes a Covid -19 death on the death certificate that it is at the least a major contributory factor, and that if the patient did not have the disease then they would not have died
Completely missed the point. The death statistics released are people who have died for any reason and have tested positive for covid-19 in the 28 days prior to their death. That's the facts. Now how many of those are because of covid has never been released or explained.
But she hasn't figured out that wearing a mask may very well mitigate the risk for her youngers. See Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. virtually 100% masks, airport testing, decent test and trace, etc. One local case in HK on Friday - population 7.5 million. One. Sounding confident in one's own unfounded beliefs counts for nowt against grim reality. Ditto technical area ranting from English managers.
No I didn't miss the point at all. You stated that all the 1,166 deaths last week were not caused by the virus, just that those who died happened to have it which is not true I agree the ways of counting deaths is very flawed and there are 3 different ways of counting deaths now. The one where it is recorded as a covid death even though the patient recovers and 3 months later is run over by a bus, is ridiculous and should not be relied on. There is an estimation though of how many errors have been made: One of the leading experts who uncovered the flaw in PHE's counting told MailOnline his 'best guess' was that more than 1,000 people have had their deaths wrongly recorded as caused by Covid-19. Dr Yoon Loke, a pharmacologist at the University of East Anglia, warned that it is 'not a good way of collecting data', has had a significant impact in the past two months and is happening because PHE 'chose a quick and easy technique'. Yes I's the Daily Heil, but at least it does offer (yet another) expert view of the true covid death toll I'm sure none of the ways of counting true covid deaths are particularly reliable, however it can't be denied that tens of thousands of people have indeed died from this awful virus and yes some people died of other things whilst having the virus. I am convinced Boris and his clown party are trying to minimise the figures to disguise the ineptness of their handling of it
I read that currently deaths are running at the normal level for this time of year. Not sure if anyone has a source to back that to up or refute it?
Rapidly losing patience with the "covid is a myth let's undermine every effort to do anything about it" crowd on here.
Yes I said all of them didn't die because of it. That's a very different thing to saying none of them did.
The one's who have undermined the response from day one? Yes it does. I think the best thing for me to do is use the ignore button so I won't be seeing your response.
Nobody, or at least very few, have claimed covid is a myth. Many have questioned the response to it and suggested other ways of dealing with it but no, the 'crowd' of bbsers saying it's a myth do not exist and that is true whether you ignore me or not.
Who has denied it exists? Hard to undermine such a poor response, they have undermined it themselves without any help at all
1st of October. I test positive. Isolate until the 15th. Tomorrow I am going to jump under the Leeds express train. What is my death recorded as?
That's not what he said at all. The current method of recording deaths is "with Covid-19" rather than "of Covid-19". There is very good reason for this. We simply do not have the resources to investigate the cause of every single death. Within that "with Covid-19" will be many who undoubtedly died of Covid-19. There will be others that didn't. The proportion of those that died with and those that died of, I do not know and nor does anyone else. Clearly, those who died on respirators in ICU died of Covid-19. Many people with multiple ailments in respite care died after testing positive for Covid-19. Did they die of it? Does it help the person who has nursed their mum for 12 months after she was diagnosed with inoperable cancer to say they died of Covid-19 when for the last 3 weeks she couldn't speak or open her eyes, all as a result of the cancer and nothing to do with the virus. This isn't a rare scenario, many people in such a situation are recorded as dying with Covid-19.