The 8th busiest in the country for covid patients and one of three Yorkshire trusts in the top 10...... If these Boots tests are anything like reliable then Barnsley as a hotspot should have sent there from the government enough of them for everyone to take one.
Mate of mine that works in the hospital says it looks like something out of a horror movie. How do the people against restrictions explain this rise? Would opening everything up have made the ICU less busy?
Scares me to death, when I see covid patients struggling to breath and on ventilators, there is no way my heart would take that. I’m only 49 bps as it is.
i've lost three old mates in the last ten days,all from our borough and all in their mid fifties. its horrendous what they have gone through
I had to read this several times before I could work out what this was a "Top 10" of. It is the Top 10 of: highest percentage of coronavirus patients in beds So, is this the most reliable statistic to use? Should it be "the total number of corona virus patients" or increase the number of beds/decrease the number of other patients.
Think yourselves lucky you don’t live in Donny... our inpatient and emergency admissions have increased massively over the last few days too. There was a very concerning picture of the number of queueing ambulances outside a+e at Donny royal over the weekend. The local nhs trust also put out a message for people to not attend a+e unless it was literally life and death. But as some have said, the conspiracy theorists will be along in a minute to say it doesn’t exist, or the ring wing capitalists will be saying we shouldn’t be taking these or any measures and should never have locked down, we should just get on with it, as business and the economy is more important.
Bloody hell. I'm so sorry - that's absolutely horrendous. It makes me terrified for my mum and dad, both in their 60s and the latter of whom is at extra risk.
sorry to hear that. It’s hard to hear some of the stuff on here when my missis comes home and tells me what’s really happening out there.
I can say as fact that as of today there's currently 184 covid patients in LGI and Saint James'. That's a significant rise on last week. Currently all usual hospital procedures are still going ahead although how long that will last depends on any more numbers.
When I was a schoolboy I used to know a few of my classmates who’s fathers or grandfathers were suffering breathing problems mainly mining related probably done through smoking as well . Used to call to friends house who’s dad had oxygen tanks at side of his bed which was downstairs in the front room . On a few occasions waiting in the house for my mate to get ready to go out I’d seen him take turns fir the worse and the family were putting on his oxygen mask whilst he was writhing in agony to get his breath . Those images never left me throughout my life and when I saw news images of people in hospital struggling because of Covid it brought it all back to me. even now I wake myself from bad dreams where I feel I’m struggling for breath ,
i get that totally jimmy, plain ignorance is whats caused this spike in cases. people going on about their liberties during this pandemic are as ignorant as that silly cow saying she'll do as she pleases because shes 80 odd years old. i'll also add that none of these people i know had any underlying health issues as far as i'm aware