... The school meals debacle has highlighted Johnson's stubborness in the face of public opinion. Trying to prop up the country's economy from the Covid onslaught has already cost billions and yet, whilst extending free school meals over a two or three weeks is another bill to be paid, Not sure if it provides for every single child, just those already on free school meals or the latter plus those with parent(s) who find themselves out of work/furloughed etc. due to Covid. The former seems a bit excessive but not sure how you would means test it. Nevertheless the cost is a drop in the ocean compared to the total cost of pandemic. Thatcher, at least had clear leadership skills whilst taking the country in a particular direction -albeit almost completely the wrong one - but at least she was decisive and pro-active.. Johnson is re-active and, whilst you could argue (depending on your PoV ) that he was prepared to listen to objections and was prepared to change policy, or, was 'forced into U-turns' the outcome was the same in that the oppostion got the result they wanted. it was his one redeeming feature. Now, even that one small plus point seems to have vanished and we are left with a stubborn, non-listening PM who picks the wrong battle to make a point (whatever that 'point' is) . Thatcher's ultimate downfall was her stubbornness over the Poll Tax (although she had shown signs of 'losing the plot' well before that). I wonder if this could lead to the same thing happening to Johnson. As political misjudgements go this might not be up there with Chamberlains 'Peace in Our Time ' but it is a compete 'f**k-up!
After spending £12 billion on Trace and Trace, Johnson described it as helping “a little bit.” Well if he’d slipped me just £1 billion I could have come up with something “f*cking useless.” But think of the money we’d have saved.
This says a lot. As someone who has often defended this government, either directly or indirectly, to explicitly state how ***** Johnson is performing shows he's seriously losing ground. How long do you reckon he's got as their leader/how will they get rid?
This is a helluva policy decision to stand behind and potentially be beaten on. The fear of yet another U- Turn is the only reason why they're dragging their feet. They try and repackage the Rashford ideas and the extension of school meals. I seriously hope this isn't ideologically driven, if it is then this country is beyond redemption. Why would anyone ever think this was a good idea? When Bernard Jenkins is voice of reason you know the world's gone mad. He called for a U-Turn and finally sacking Dame Dildo due to the 12 billion spaffed up against the wall. 2020 what a year! I'd expect an Alien invasion next but I'm sure they'd fly on by.
How long do you reckon he's got as their leader/how will they get rid? He's only there to "get brexit done" after that he'll be gone
They're waiting for outcome of the US election before declaring a no deal apparently. Oh to be a country standing on our own 2 feet and making our own decisions! Remember Mr Spaffalot has an American passport, once Brexit is done (whatever that means, still no clearer) he'll be off to New York to get some cushy jobs which will help pay the child support.
Wouldn’t say he was stubborn , too many U turns to claim that tbh . I’d say more clueless than stubborn, he chooses the wrong hills to die on . He hasn’t and never will have prime ministerial qualities .Hes made a lot of enemies with his treachery and the situation that no one wants to own is the only thing that’s stopped him being usurped imo . Relies too much on Cummins and disregards other advice . He’s a chancer and avoided scrutiny to get where he his . Media’s darling who’ll stick the knife in when he’s least expecting it . Worst PM in last two centuries is my prediction .
I've got a notepad a pencil which cost £1.20 total. Think I can get a contract for at least 500k for recording cases in 3 Barnsley wards. Natural progression from a spreadsheet, 5 bar gate counting exercise and get their names.
Just waiting for the app to handed over to William Hill, track, trace, hand face space, bet irresponsibly (we need the money).
Look well if we swap Boris for Trump seeing as he's suggesting leaving America if or more likely when he loses.
Don’t write him off just yet , lots of people embarrassed to state publicly they voting for him. Just like the Tory’s when John Major first took to the ballot box , Kinnock miles in front in the polls. Lots like Trumps segregationist policies ,
There were apparently several credible offers from companies in the app-development business to develop an app for free* - and plenty of developers and architects would have joined in a crowd-sourced effort if one had been organized. But no profit in it for mates. *It would have been worth it for future work.