The first quote was £100, l would given them that and asked them to finish the boards off up there whilst they are at it
Found two of these under my floorboards a few months ago size of footballs , carrier bag over head with two holes in for the eyes , got the vacuum cleaner & sucked em up. easy
We had the fascia replaced when we moved in and they found one, it was about 4ft long and about 2ft deep. Can remember them daring the young lad to hit it with a hammer off the ladder, luckily for him it was dead.
These are the threads I love. Wit, humour. Clart eeads. Wimps. ( me included. Scared of the little buggers) Thanks Gordon. Gid mi a reight chuckle.
Some years ago at my house in Gloucester we had a small extending bit of the kitchen demolished so that they could builder a bigger one to accommodate a new improved kitchen layout. When they got to the smashing the flat roof down a very large wasp's nest hit the ground. It must have been four or five feet wide and a couple of feet deep. I had never seen anything like it before, and nor had the builder! A quick inspection showed it was a defunct one and there was not a wasp to be seen. I just wondered how many years that had been in there. The house was about 20 odd years old at the time.