I know Matt Bailey sometimes posts on here so I'd just like to pass on my condolences to him and his family ...so sorry to hear of your loss
I can't believe he did such a great job with the loss of his dad only hours previously, on his mind. True professional and he obviously didn't want to let down his fellow Barnsley fans. Well done Matt and really sorry for your loss.
Tremendous professionalism from Matt in such a terrible situation. Sincere condolences, Matt, to you and your family from me & mine.
Lady Kaht and myself both lost our Dad's in this terrible year (neither Covid-related, thankfully). So massive condolences, Matt. Big, big figures in all our lives. Their wit and wisdom lives on with us, but for now, sorrow. Bat on, and make him proud - as you did last night.
Sad news. Impressed by his professionalism and dedication last night. It was a nice touch dedicating the game to his father and thankfully the team gave him a good send off.
Says a lot about Matt as a pro to do commentary last night only a few hours after a tremendous personal loss. It would have been easier to stay at home.
So sorry for your sad loss. Words won't help at this sad time but things will improve with time. Once a Red always a Red. Keep your chin up pal.
Another who'd just like to offer my sincere condolences Matt to you and your family. Virtual man hug from one Red to another