That's because this Government regards all teachers as left wing loonies. Even if they were, and they're certainly not all left wing, doesn't mean the teachers weren't right in the first place
The bottom line on this was sending uni students to uni towns was absolutely disasterous. Not staggering / building temporary classrooms for schools equally so. Encouraging people who can work from home back into offices was a third grave mistake. not having a working trace test and trace system or making even the vaguest attempt to recruit the missing 50k nurses who could gave staffed nightingale hospitals was again ridiculous. It looking at UBI rather than half arsed furlough schemes or at least bringing those schemes and SSP up to median European levels was against a vital **** up. God knows where we go from here but it isn’t good.
It depends what they do in the meantime. If they're just going to lock down and then open up with the same Serco test & trace, schools & universities starting back up in the same way as they did last month and no changes to how pubs not following protocols are identified and enforced etc... Then there's no point.
Slightly off topic but my Trust has started classing anytime you have off after testing negative as absence and can be reviewed. Whilst I think fair enough. How many staff members will grind it out now for fear of falling foul of the disciplinary system?
Right, a genuine question not meant to start a 'tit for tat' argument. Can anyone please give a rational explanation as to why the cases in Barnsley have increased so rapidly?
Historically children have always been super spreaders for colds and viruses... it happens every time they start school in September. I think this is likely to be the main cause nationally but this is just my opinion. Especially as the majority of kids will not experience any symptoms.
If it slows it for 3 months, that is an extra 3 months to discover more effective treatments or a vaccine. The prognosis for anyone diagnosed with Covid now is better than in March/April. The prognosis next March/April will be better than now. If it slows it for 4-5 months, then it gets the NHS past Winter Pressures - when it is at 95%+ capacity in a good year and gives them breathing room to catch up on cancer screenings, minor operations and other normal day-to-day activities.
I went outside on my dinner break the other day and two young lasses were cavorting and touching each other walking down the street outside A and E. Not a care in the world.
I have a view as to why there is a general increase in cases across the population as a whole, but what has happened in Barnsley in a short period of time?
You missed an important word from the end of that sentence - "now". As in "Especially as the majority of kids will not experience any symptoms *now*." Plenty of diseases have left asymptomatic sufferers with long-term sequelae including some that are life-threatening or shortening. Not saying that this will, but at this point nobody knows.
I can but it's a conspiracy theory. The Tories don't like the North so they have a media driven campaign to make it sound more drastic up here. You can make statistics sing to that tune too.
Another theory is the North (Barnsley) don't like being told what to do by those southern Nancy's down in Parliament. Defiance has spread the disease.
No I don't genuinely. What is happening in Barnsley that's caused the increase? There has to be a reason. I'm not trying to be a smart arse trying to provoke a slanging match, I'm looking for cause and effect.
China have proved that a proper lockdown works. The public there take respiratory infections very seriously and the government doesn't think twice about taking freedoms away though. This country is far too self-absorbed to adhere to half of what they did, even for a couple of weeks (they did 76 days). Commitment to the greater good is engrained in the culture, a concept that is alien to many in the western world.
In China you get ran over by tanks, shot or banged in prison for non compliance. Hardly commitment to a greater good.