ah it was humour! Oh, my God. Sweet Jesus of Nazareth. Well? What do you think? - It's not a castle. - You never said a castle. - We're not having that. - I said an inflatable. - It is an inflatable! - It's... inflatable filth, that's what it is. It's almost as big as mine, that. - Where did you get it? - Festival in Amsterdam. It's one of a set. I've got the other, do you want to see it? - No, I do not! - We're not having that. Damn right, Jerry, it's going back. Take it. - But, Brian... - It's a family fun day, man. - Yeah? - There's kiddies running round. They can't go jumping up and down on a... - love length! - (Guffawing) On a what? Can we not disguise it? Yeah, yeah, we'll put a woolly hat on it, say it's you. It's not what it looks, Brian. It's not how it looks? It's a 20-foot **** and balls, man! It don't look like nothing else. Get me Zantac, Kenny. It's not happening. What's so funny? Hey, lads, he thinks this is how you have to have it. No, Brian, the ****'s optional. All you have to do is strap it down, whap the tarpaulin over and hey presto! Sammy Snake! - Ahh. - Sammy Snake? It's only got one eye. No, it hasn't. Ta-daa! What about the balls? Snake's eggs. Kids love reptiles. Brian, you'll make a fortune. Stick it in the corner, then.
Saw him at the Lamproom last year, same gags, same act, absolutely brilliant. genuine fellas & great double act, he will be sadly missed. RIP x
Friend of my Dad, he used to be the band leader when they did their UK tours. Met him a few times when I was much younger. Really nice guy. Sad to hear