3 more dead, 2 beheaded and loads injured in Nice, anti France protests spreading all over Islamic world,can not see how this ever sorts itself R I P to the victims going about their everyday lives
Again the only solution is education and the eradication of a mindset that believes in fairies at the bottom of the garden and a resolve to kill or persecute anyone who doesnt share your mad delusion.
Religion akin to VAR it seemed a good idea at the time but at some point in time it'll f*ck everyone! Or am I thinking of Catholic priests?
Always wanted to go to one of their feasts and eat a full boar with my hands like obelix. As for the stabbings, these dimwits will never stop until we all believe that a made up character wants us to live in the middle ages.
Seems a bit too soon for those sort of jokes imo People shouldn't have to live in fear because of their non violent views.
Like ourselves, the French have got problems with religious extremists. The alarming aspect of this latest attack, is that the perpetrator entered the country on a migrant boat from Tunisia literally days ago with the probable intention of seeking political asylum. Macron has confirmed that the attacks were Islamic terrorist related. France attack: Attacker arrived from Tunisia days ago https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-54742403
I can't understand why these muslim terrorists want to come to our western Christian world ? They don't like or agree with our way of life and values so stay away
I'll go a step further they don't try and integrate into our way of life either. Massive areas of Birmingham, Leicester, Bradford are socially segregated and the worst part of it is it isn't enforced. They choose not to mix.
Visited some of the museums in Malta years ago including the torture chambers of the Inquisitors used against 'blasphemers'. Pretty gruesome stuff! Thankfully, most religions have moved on from those dark days. Unfortunately a number of zealots with a distorted view of what the Islamic faith represents are still living in the dark ages. The worry is that, whilst a vast majority are normal law abiding people who wish to simply get on with life, work, raise a family etc, there are those who privately condone the violence perpetrated against non-Muslims referring to them as 'kafir' (infidels). There are an even smaller minority who actively support and encourage it even if they don't actually carry out acts of violence themselves The difficulty is religious and cultural tolerance 'cuts both ways' but most Muslims, even the peace loving ones, tend to want it both ways. Westerners must adhere to the religious laws and customs in Muslim countries under threat of fines, imprisonment and in some cases worse, whilst Muslims living in Western society expect and sometimes demand their customs are respected and in some cases deem it acceptable to overrule the secular laws and culture of the society in which they live. This imbalance in 'expectation' is the major cause of prejudice, suspicion and mistrust. Whilst, to non-believers many aspects of Islam in the Muslim World are archaic e.g. suppression of women's rights, non-Muslims should not be judgemental and force our views on them. However, where they directly clash with the laws, rights and freedoms of the country they have decided to settle in they should be prepared to accept those laws and not hide behind religion as an excuse to disregard them. IMO These views do not make me racist. As a non believer I have the same opinion about all religions which, whilst they once held societies together were, in reality, a means to hold power and control people and are nothing to do with a 'God' .The 'genius' move by the Catholics was to declare the Pope as God's conduit and then declare priests ordained by the Pope could to absolve people of their sins through the confessional. This, then tied the devout believers to the church and so the church could control every aspect of their lives... Daily mass etc where the indoctrination continued. Anyone stepping out of line experienced the full force of the Pope's power including periods of Inquisition where they were quickly subjugated.
i doubt he ever had even the slightest thought of claiming political asylum,i cant see how someone carries out what that c u n t has done without giving it a lot of foresight. It also makes me wonder how many more 'extremists' are finding their way into europe,completely unchecked
That is true...It takes two to Tango. It is one of the reasons we chose Italy over Spain . Albeit it has been made easier to integrate in a rural area where everyone knows everyone's business, the locals have been very welcoming to us and we try to get involved in local events and SWMBO as a retired primary teacher has volunteered in the past to help with the summer school activities notably some English teaching in the local comunes. I have been doing the odd gig FoC to a couple of bars that have music as frankly I don't need the money, getting paid adds to the pressure and I don't want to get caught up with the Agenzia Entrate re tax etc since we are Pensionata. It is good for the bars as bands are not allowed due to distancing so solo and duos are the only ones who can perform. also audiences are severely limited so paying musicians is a real struggle for the small bars etc that have live music. That said as of this week they are all closed at 6pm anyway except for takeaway so it is all on hold now. All the expat full time residents in the area we know from Netherlands, UK, Australia, US are of the same mind and have come for the lifestyle and culture and integrate as much as we can. Spain, not all of it, but certainly the Costas seemed to attract those expats who want the UK culture with sun and cheap booze. Enclaves and Expat communities with Irish Pubs, Fis h 'n Chip shops, English Breakfasts TV with UK football etc. That is all fine if you are on holiday or having a holiday home but you miss so much. There are a handful of people here who retain property in the UK and flit back and forth and pretend they want to integrate but they tend to spend a lot of time meeting the same UK friends for morning coffee etc. and don't really have many Italian acquaintances other than those tradespeople that do jobs for them. We probably have more italian friends who prior to the Pandemic, we saw more often than English ones. Italy can be frustrating at times and not without its faults and problems but I cannot envidage that we would ever return to the UK to live (which will obviously suit several poster on here )
Macron has put his people in grave dangerous from crazy people..... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8896735/Anti-Macron-fury-rages-Muslim-world.html A number of countries are protesting against France and he needs to be careful with his next step so he doesn't fan the flames even more.