Sorry but that's just not true. The report states the Leader of the Opposition's office, not Corbyn. Its these minor but important inaccuracies that have completely blurred the issues and continue to do so.
Most political parties are full of sex pests and perverts. Labours no different. Tom O'Carroll still a party member?
Which further fuels the argument he had no control... once or twice maybe but 23 times? Nothing is blurred it was his office that intervened so the buck stops with him.
I have little interest in arguing about the horror show of Labour once again managing to tear itself apart from the inside, but you pointedly stated Jeremy Corbyn intervened 23 times which just isn't true. I felt it needed to be corrected.
From page 5 of the EHRC report. Even though not submitted formally, the whitewash report you refer to has been taken into account by them (and, yes, I've seen the full document).
It was true though.... His office intervened? Are you saying he had no knowledge of what was going on 23 times? Very worrying!
That is your summation, not the truth. Nowhere in the report does it so Corbyn personally intervened. The report and findings are going to be misreported and misquoted non-stop for months so we might as well try and start with some kernel of accuracy
That was also wrong but these people are long gone I am more concerned with active politicians of any party either abusing children or minorities (or anyone else for that matter) I see the Tories even now have an MP on Rape Charges but its all being played down - we arent even supposed to know who he is and its not allowed to be reported - though everyone who wants to know can find out easily enough
‘Full’ massive exaggeration on the other political parties here, remember Tory rent boy scandal 80s and 90s?There’s a massive difference but Yet again we see another Whataboutery post when Tory’s are pulled to task.
The simple fact is, on the day that a report concluded there were significant problems with anti-semitism in the Labour Party under his leadership he couldn't hold his tongue long enough to go and speak with the leader of the party and try and agree on a way forward which would be best for the Labour party as a whole. He couldn't wait a half day before trying to undermine the findings instead of being a responsible human and not lashing out at everyone. Of course Corbyn was going to get binned after that, he gave them no choice.
Jimmy Saville roaming the corridors of NHS hospitals armed with a letter given to him personally by the then PM none other than Thatcher the witch stating that anybody interfering with or preventing his unfettered access would have her to deal with. Thats a Tory PM aiding and abetting possibly the most prolific paedo in UK history
Kicking Corbyn out is smokescreen politics by Starmer. An attempt to show he's a tough guy and to appeal/suck up to the right wing media. Corbyn was a weak leader and wasn't effective dealing with the antisemitism stuff for various reasons but suspending him is a disgrace. The guy has not got a racist bone in his body and is being scapegoated. He should be kicked out if he's racist. Nothing less. I am now less inclined to vote Labour and I am a Labour supporter. Starmer will get some plaudits for this of course as he seeks to prove to the electorate and the right wing media that the Labour Party is electable and not extreme. It never was extreme under Corbyn but Starmer positioning himself like this on purpose is suggesting it was. The next thing to change will be policies which will be watered down to appeal to certain power interests rather than really emphasising what the country needs. If and when that does happen I definitely won't be voting Labour. I'll vote for the Greens and waste my vote in the fptp system.
We need to move on. I'm not even going to delve into the semantics or intricacies of his rise and fall, or whether or not allegations of antisemitism were artificially inflated or not, because it's moot. It's irrelevant. Whether you like it or not Corbyn was finished when he got obliterated at the last election. The establishment are in charge. They always have been, and always will be. We’re in a two party state, and yes you'll never get your desired utopia with Starmer. You know what you might get with him though? Elected. We live in a right of centre country that repeatedly votes against its own interests. A country fed on a diet of ******** from gilded troughs owned by super rich Bond villains that want you keep you docile and fatted for market, because we are the ******* product. We can sit here crying about 'the once in a lifetime' chance (never ******* had one). Or we can wipe away the tears, accept compromise instead of concrete ideals, and understand that, in the grand scheme of things we could be a hell of a lot worse off. "But why should I settle for tory-light?" Because, if that's the defeatist, chuck your toys out of the pram attitude, we may as well vote Conservative, because weve just guaranteed them eternal rule. There are 2 choices, a set of wealth hoarding, landed-gentry ******** who only tolerate our miserable existence because we are a ******* revenue stream. Or, you can have the same, but in red. The difference being that the red option, at It's best, will contain far fewer landed-gentry, Etonian pricks, and more people like us. And at It's worse will give you at least the illusion of progress and fairness. The point is, we can't affect change from the outside, and if you can't even get elected then the only voice you have is the one you use to bitch about just how **** things are. Sometimes I think the left prefer that over power. Tony Blair was the last elected labour Prime Minister, but, Iraq aside, I remember things being a damn sight better then they are now. Leave it at the door, breathe, and get on board. It's literally the only way.
I see the logic of that but it still does not reflect from events. Starmer did not have to do what he did today. And if he does move Labour to the right it will not address some fundamental issues that need addressing. Just to be 'a little bit better' than the Tories is not good enough. The country needs some serious surgery and being the red Tories wont be good enough. Being elected is important but being elected to mirror the Tories in how one views society is nowhere near good enough. I'm not being naive either. As I say the country needs son serious change, not marginal tinkering
To be fair we always tend to, it's what centrists always tell us we need to do, hold our noses cos it's better than the Tories. And on the whole we do. But those same people weren't prepared to do the same though for Corbynism. But like you say, it's a moot point now. And I have no desire to argue with people over shades of red. But it takes a lot of deep breathes to forget what was done to undermine the last two elections.
the country won’t ever accept that change. I agree with you as I agreed with jimmy viz last week. It’s a simple fact however and it is a fact the country will never elect a left wing labour government. I don’t see a left of centre labour government as Tory life, if you do and refuse to back them it’s damn certain we get the fuckin* tories and all their hatred, right wing and I’m all right jack policies. so what can we do??
Aye, its bloody terrible. One can only hope that Starmer retains decent policies and presents them in a good election winning way. We'll see. In the meantime today's events will cause further turmoil in the party and in the short term the Tories have some capital.
agreed. It’s churlish to mention the investigation into Islamaphobia today, it’s our day to take a deep breath and admit our faults but there day will come.