4 maybe 5 people tested positive this week with nobody been told to stay home to isolate if come into close contact with them
Earlier in the week it was quiet in the warehouse and council "looked" around to make sure it was safe, then they put on a 20% sale on everything During first wave we finished half an hour earlier so not to clash with other shifts now its 15 minutes so now we clash with other shifts in locker rooms and even though concerns have been raised its fallen on deaf ears
I work in a govt department and over the last Few weeks we’ve had quite a few more positive cases than those mentioned above. They eventually sent all staff from 2 of the 8 floors home for a week and deep- cleaned the whole building. We still get positive cases.Edit: Public Health England came in and following their recommendations their was a major overhaul of desk positioning and filing cabinets removals.
The ones I just mentioned are the ones where the people tested positive have told others, the only cases that where announced where the first 2 we have had 300+, has the warehouse been deep cleaned or closed for deep cleaning? No not at all never will, it's been wiped by cloth that's about it
They are a billionare company. Theu government will only punish family buisneses not asos. I hate the word but c.nts
That doesnt work they only get council to visit and when they do they change everything but next day it's back to what it was, they had a poster up in the toilets telling people to turn of the bluetooth on the covid app if they keep phones in the lockers
Take photos and shop them to someone higher than the council who seem to be a little biased when it comes to asos
Stephanie peacock knows as she has had multiple emails from colleagues, she has been trying to help us and she seems to be only person who cares
The bluetooth in the lockers may make a little bit of sense. If your phone is sat in a locker it isn't tracking you it's just tracking who may come through the locker room.
are you in a union at ASOS? If not then you ought to be.you look like you are in need of some representation.
It's not just affecting me though its affecting the work force and also affecting the town and the union are on asos side they always are because GMB are not seen as a union by asos
well,you are left with contacting the HSE if everything else has failed. phone them annonymously and tell them your concerns