we seem to be losing a lot of people recently Another of our World cup winning team gone Seems like he had been unwell for a long time https://www.theguardian.com/footbal...nner-with-england-1966-manchester-united-dies
This is very sad indeed - after a long illness (I think - but am not sure - that he had dementia- it’s a cruel disease)
Just shown a short report of his playing career. Showed a scything late tackle of his which now would be a straight red. The ref awarded a free kick and never even spoke to him. There's not many of the World Cup winners left now RIP Nobby
Sad news indeed, I had the pleasure of meeting him a few years back, he was really friendly and very humble about his career RIP Nobby
RIP Nobby. Refereed a couple of reserve matches he was playing in. Even booked him in one game for never shutting up shouting at a particular linesman. Funny thing in those days no yellow/red cards = so as I was writing his name in my little book, he looked over my shoulder and pointed out I had missed an R out of his name!!! Fondly remembered.
I met Nobby quite a few years ago.I was walking down Racecommon Road going to Oakwell when this car pulled up.The driver asked me if I knew where Oakwell was and I said I was on my way there.He said he'd give me a lift so I got into his car and I seemed to know his face but couldn't quite put my finger on it ( he was wearing glasses).After a while I said you look very familiar thats when he told me who he was.After chatting about football mainly me asking about the World Cup etc he told me he was visiting Oakwell to see how one of his young players was going on.The player was Mark Robinson who was coached by Nobby at WBAlbion.I took him as far as the top of Oakwell Lane pointed the ground to him and I went in the Dove for a couple of pints.So my lift killed 2 birds with 1 stone. A lovely bloke and one of my hero's from the 66 World Cup winners. RIP Norbert Styles.
Sadly I'm too young to remember England winning the World Cup, but I've watched the clips of the games from the 60s many times. Nobby was a great of that time and will be sadly missed. Thoughts are obviously with his family at this sad time. RIP Nobby
Met him about 15 years ago.... absolute gent. Ana amazing footballer, and a fabulous person. RIP Mr Stiles.