Who in their right mind makes an announcement of this magnitude at half time - he can sodding wait until after the match
Can we edit the title of this thread by the way I object to the use of the word Boris - can we have something more accurate like "The Shameless lying incompetent **** "
What’s the view on whether they will shut footy down again? Can’t see it myself, as at least it will give people something to focus on during a second lockdown
I think they will allow "elite" sports to continue No clue what they will do with Gyms and organised fitness outside The elite sports one is low on my priority list though
And the complete irony of that is the capital is probably riddled with it with tens of thousands of illegals spreading it like wildfire amongst their ilk in the suburbs. They won’t go to the hospital or get tested as they aren’t meant to even be here. Country’s fooked!
High on mine. I value employment. And my club. If they shut football down again, which has had very little financial support, I fear for a lot of clubs and the little people they employ.