If you read the sage minutes they’ve been saying that some areas of London are not coping well - there’s very different pictures depending on boroughs (and probably affluence).
The government have made a catastrophic mess of everything. Which isn’t a shock to me. If there’s anything positive to come from all of this, maybe it’s that the idiots who keep voting Tory will use their brains next time.
If this blatant uncalled for and irrelevant racism doesn't warrant a long ban then I honestly don't know what would
Don't hold your breath mate. If they were then the current polls should show that Labour have a big lead, but they don't
I think it’s high on a lot of people’s lists and it is important. I know this may sound daft but it is important for folks mental health to have something to look forward to and I suspect football provides this for a lot of people. It has certainly made a difference to me, it being back. football has demonstrated it can operate safely and to close it down would be senseless.
Or bore off you complete chiseller! It’s Cnuts like you with your ultra liberal snowflake views that are part of the problem. You stick to your opinions and I’ll stick to mine ok son
I've reported your earlier post. Hopefully it leads to a long ban. The board would be better off without cúnts like you disgracing the name of the town and club.
Don’t think they’d have team playing in red. Unless, they organise a stage- managed game where the Blues play the Reds and Inhialate them. Rah Rah Rah
Don’t hold your breath though, judging by posts on here and what I read on other Social Media outlets
As you're in the admin team, can't you use the swear filter for this. When it detects the word "Boris", instead of replacing it with asterisks, it could replace it with "Shameless lying incompetent ****". That should do it.
This is true the R rate in london is the same as west Yorkshire. Guess which on was due for tier 3 on monday? I know things have changed now by looks but they locked liverpool down 1st when Nottinghamshire had the highest infection rate in the country.
Righto numpty. You’ve no idea who I am or what I represent have you when it comes down to it. Report away, an opinion is just that. Who made you the opinion police anyroad? Disgrace indeed. You really are a walloper kidda!
And again, isn’t there a Tommeh loving site you can post on where theses views will be warmly accepted and expanded upon.