Is it only ‘lefty liberals’ who have a sense of decency? If so it’s definitely not a pejorative term (look it up).
ok, let's explore this shall we... And the complete irony of that is the capital is probably riddled with it with tens of thousands of illegals spreading it like wildfire amongst their ilk in the suburbs. They won’t go to the hospital or get tested as they aren’t meant to even be here. Country’s fooked! Can you provide the evidence please, that this is either happening in this country right now, reality or fact-based? You've used the word 'probably', which seems to suggest there isn't any. But if we just ignore that for now. I'm pretty confident you can use your Degree to provide the research. Thanks...
Away back to the topic in question. Boris now put back to 5.00pm. I would never have thought he followed the BBS
I think we may have discussed this before and I'm getting old and can't remember but it's not 'instead' is it? It's aswell.
@Gally @Farnham_Red how is he not banned yet? Why do obviously racist posts like this and others not get the poster a ban?
I didn't mean they have to shield instead of the elderly in that way. I meant more that instead of telling them to he's told everyone to. So the 20 year old has to shield because Boris made that decision instead of the decision to shield the elderly
It’s probably taking longer than they thought to find a scapegoat for the leaks. (That they probably leaked themselves)
Banking crisis was their fault so Covid-19 may as well be too. And that meteorite that killed the dinosaurs.
an inaccurate and offensive post has been rightly removed and I support what you've done. However I'm not sure if it was racist - there is no mention of colour/ethnicity/religion in the post.
I have just come into this conversation and seen some of the posts from our resident right winger. Given his occupation and the fact that a report was published this year into racism, harassment and bullying in the armed forces, I would suggest he reads the report and also undertakes the mandatory Diversity and Inclusion training as soon as possible. Sadly I work on the same unit as him but do not know him, which is unfortunate, as I deliver D&I trg so could invite him along to give his perspective