Apart from everything else is that the Dean of the faculty of intensive care medicine has just been on BBC and when asked about the nightingale hospitals she just said 'yeah we've got no staff for them'. Ok I get that but why the hell hasn't anyone got the balls to ask what was the chuffing point of building them? How can someone make such a comment and not be picked up on it? This is what drives me mad. They're doing what they want without question. The public can question on here or to their mates but nobody who's paid as a journalist has had the balls to say what the hell? We laugh at America but at least their journalists will criticise and question trump to his face. Ours just kneel at the governments feet.
Bring in the military. Pull out of every country we're currently in and put every single military medic to work in the NHS.
our lass as just started stabbing boil in bag of vegetables , shouting abuse about Boris after I just told her this, I am scared
the lack of staff is 50000 medical staff. The system was propped up earlier in the year by converting nursing students into band 4 so they could be counted in the numbers. we were involved in the building of Nightingales. They had our lads working 24/7 to get em done. The Trusts told the govt there were no staff but were completely ignored. The client journalists will never tackle them.
It's absolutely bonkers. If we can't use them as hospitals then as harsh as it sounds they should be used as basic care homes. Anyone coming out if hospital goes into them for a month till they're 100% clear and recovered
Because nhs staff get covid too and if they come into contact with someone outside of work with covid then then they have to isolate as well. So currently there aren't enough staff to manage our hospitals properly let alone the nightingale's.
that’s a better idea. If the staff are there. The only other thing they would be useful for is end of life care
Isn't that more reason to use them? If the nightingale only had covid patients in it then a nurse who has tested positive isn't achieving anything by isolating from the already positive patient.
I doubt there's enough of them either, judging by how much our armed forces have been cut back over the years.