Did any of you get a snotty nose? I know it's not supposed to be a symptom very commonly. 2 year old daughter has a cough and fever, but snotty as well. Waiting on a test just to make sure.
My lad had shivers, snotty nose and cough and tested positive. I had lousy sore throat then cough and tested positive. Wife had headache then cough and tested positive. All doing ok now but still lethargic 14 days later
Yes but it was thicker than usual common cold snot. You really had to blow to shift it. Use a salt water nasal flush. Then steam ur head 4 times a day, put Vicks on ur feet, back and chest. If ur breathing gets shallower contact 111 or 999 straight away. Though it took 2 weeks for me to get to that point. If its covid you'll feel dump for over a week at least. Just my experience but I know loads of people who started the same. It's not like flu, you have 4/5 days of hardly moving then you genuinely feel garbage for weeks after. You constantly think it'll break become a cold or mucus cough and it doesn't. Basically it turns to pneumonia in bad cases.
My mother has similar symptoms so testing as well, she's a teacher in Darfield and would have picked it up at school almost certainly. Shows how important schools are to the spread of the virus
My Mrs tested positive and was exceptionally snotty the week prior to the test, but nonetheless symptoms. I've been very snotty in the weeks since but not had a test. So in summary, dunno lol, but I hope your daughter is ok.