At the end of September begining of October like SAGE told Boris was needed we have to have a four week one from Thursday onwards. Boris the ******* Clown strikes again anybody still supporting this bumbling halfwit is as moronic as he his. BORIS OUT
If you had a two week lock down back then you'd still need another one now, or in another week.Many people believe a lock down will make it go away. It's never, ever, ever going away. Ever. It will exist on this earth for as long as human beings exist on this earth. Until that fact is acknowledged and accepted and decisions are made knowing this to be true, then everything we do is utter nonsense. And Sage are the worst culprits for not recognising this. (They also couldn't predict a fart at a baked bean convention. Drawing a straight line from the current trajectory to infinity is imbecilic, beyond any form of idiocy that professes to be science that I have ever encountered before. They're morons.)
So are u saying Bozo was right to lockdown now or shudda locked down when SAGE advised ? Or are u saying summat else ?
The number of cases started to rise in September. This was the same time schools and universities returned. Yet they now have a lockdown to try to lower the R number but continue to persist in maintaining the schools and universities. Children will come home to their families and infect them. Students at Universities will unfortunately be hotspots for this virus. Lockdown is either done properly to ensure the health service isn't swamped with Covid cases or it is not.
I've stopped listening to actual scientists as the ones on here who last lit a bunsen burner in the mid 80s have a far greater knowledge of what solution is.
The time to lock down was 2 weeks ago when children started their half term holidays, as the Welsh are doing and SAGE advised.
The thing is though that people rightly lose confidence in those scientists when they so constantly make such glaringly wrong calculations. 500000 deaths originally wasn't it before they realised that was wildly inaccurate. 50,000 by mid October was the worst case scenario until that was wildly inaccurate. Now it's not the worst case scenario but the scientists were on TV calling it the reasonable worst case. A subtle change but a clever one. Scientists believed that closing schools and unis helped, now they believe that closing schools and unis won't help despite the overwhelming evidence that says they're wrong. It's just very hard to trust them when they say such stupid things and when different scientists are saying conflicting things. It seems to me that it to many it isn't a case that we have to believe the scientists as it is that we have to believe the scientists selected by Boris.
I think you're confusing computer modelling worst case scanearios with the media then using those worst case scenarios as fact on front pages of websites and papers as actual fact. I don't rightly know what they were given originally but given we're up to about 60k dead and that was with a fairly significant lockdown period it's not hard to imagine that doing nothing back in March would give deaths of multiple times that number given exponential growth. This is why modelling exists. It gives best and worst case scenarios depending on what is done. The question for me always is, will the NHS cope? Because if it breaks we're really ******. It has to be protected for Covid and non covid treatment alike. It was under significant pressure back in March and many folk then clapped and forgot about it. We're now heading into winter which is always a significant challenge for it. Fretting about how many might but didn't die is frankly entirely irrelevant imo.
Here's mine. We build 7.8 billion individual cells, furnish each one with supplies, a telly and an exercise bike, and lock up the human race for 4 weeks. At the end of that time, you're either alive or dead, but Covid is eradicated (along with influenza, the common cold, and possibly a few more diseases). It's so simple, I cant believe no-one's suggested it before. Scientists out-thought by a BBS goat, eh? What's the world coming to?
Also we seem to work to the best case scenario for lockdown working. I read th worse case scenario is that it only reduces infections by 10% and you still have all the pain and suffering it causes.
I just don’t think you understand statistical modelling. Scientists aren’t there to decide anything they have advised Johnson to lockdown properly. He’s ignoring that advice. As PM he has that right.
I didn't say that they decided. I said that they have made such wildly inaccurate claims that they lose the confidence of the public.