Can you not get it live to your phone/tablet ont tinternet ? I’ve not listened but am going to soak up the show later on the recording.
Yes... and no. I can get pretty well everything - except for any live football or football related programs like P&G. Something to do with football coverage deals with Sky etc.
Can’t see him lasting the week out. Especially if football is postponed during lockdown. Give em time to get someone in before the restart. Edit, Just read. football above tier 7. Can continue. I will still be surprised if he lasts the week out. Lose to Bournemouth the final nail in the coffin.
Not exactly sure what you mean. But I’m listening to it now. Just googled p&g radio Sheffield and selected today’s recording. From the options.
Glad the EFL and the clubs have decided to keep going, we look to be on the cusp of a decent run whilst Wensdeh are on a downward spiral
I think he means that during the commentary commentary section, the station is not available online. As you point out, P&G is fine.
Through "hey google play radio Sheffield" .....but no live footy sadly.....probably same everywhere. Great to hear it though when I'm missing home.....there really is nowt like Yorkshire folk
I've got to say I've not tried to listen to P&G live via the internet for some time, I'd normally be on the way home from Oakwell and I can get it on the radio till I get to Derby where it fades out. Maybe I'll try next weekend.