Recently bought a smallish chest freezer from Amazon. I often review products when they request (not the same as the seller review) but recently they have taken to rejecting several on the grounds they don't meet the policy guidelines. I cannot for the life of me see how any of my reviews breach them. The latest example of a rejection was this: "Good product for money. Pressing the display button illuminates temperature for a short period so you don't have to open the freezer to ensure it is functioning. It is a pity that Haier do not sell accessories as I would like more than the one hanging basket it comes with" Any ideas? Going to stop wasting my time reviewing stuff from Amazon in future.
They probably don’t know what a hanging basket is they probably thought you were taking the p*** Stopped reviews on Amazon a long time ago
We recently bought a chest freezer and wanted more baskets, these guys custom make them, ours arrived last week and they’re excellent quality.
This BBS is amazing at times. Somebody posts and mentions within it that they wanted more freezer baskets and an hour later someone else tells you a company who makes them
How many stars did you give it. I think I read something somewhere that they've started rejecting anything under 4 stars
The worst review site is trustpilot. Been investigated that many if their reviews are fake and are false representation.
I made a conscious decision to come off Amazon as kept getting phone calls about Amazon Prime and other stuff plus I wanted to support high street shops more. More expensive obviously but feels better ethically to me though I can understand why people use it as it is so much cheaper
Think it's a doen to some reviews in the past on certain products. Tried to find the original link but it's disappeared and believe me when I say I was p1ssing myself for hours reading the reviews. Anyway found a twitter link with one of the best ones
I try and avoid them for exactly the same reason - there are times you dont have much choice for example for Audio books there isnt a realistic alternative to Audible but for most products especially electrical goods or actual printed books I wont use them This is even more important now as the government is forcing "non essential" local independent shops to close for a month in the run up to Christmas but Amazon continues unaffected, in fact I believe that if you take part in some government surveys like the ONS Covid survey you get paid in vouchers that can be redeemed at big online retailers like Amazon but not at your local independent. The whole thing sucks to be honest - there is for example a walking shop I use in Keswick when I am in the Lake district. Its independent and gives great service, its been operating with a limit of 2 customers in the shop at one time in fact its been running an appointment system.Any walking boots tried and not bought are taken out of circulation for at least 24 hours or longer if possible - they have to close. Amazon can still ship you boots, Supermarkets have made token changes can still sell you anything they usually stock and are nowhere near as safe, construction workers footballers can all keep working but run an independent bookshop walking shop electrical shop etc and you are forced to close and in most cases cant get any compensation from the government. its just plain wrong
Me too Egham. When I retired last year I said I wanted to support local businesses as well as high street stores more, it just seems more ethical, plus you can actually see what you're buying. That said it was very difficult / impossible during the first lockdown and will be so again during lockdown 2.
A smallnumber of individuals have far too much wealth and control over the world. These arent world leaders or top scientists or professors .I'm talking Mark Zuckerberg Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.
Agree FR, as you quite rightly say most independent shops have gone over and above to enact the strict covid guidelines so they remain safe and they now have to close. It's just not right. The town centres have to stay open, there were quite a lot of people just milling about last time on the times I walked through just to get to places like Iceland and Boots. I can't see it being any different this time either.