Hope our contingent and their families are OK. Will it affect their mindset tomorrow? Not that football matters a jot at times like this
Everyone on edge worldwide mate. America is ready to explode. There will be copy cat outbreaks all over
Escalated. I seriously can't see our Austrians being in the right frame of mind. EDIT: understandably so, may I add.
One of the gunmen had been released from jail last December after being convicted of trying to leave for Syria to join IS. Why do people hate so much ?
I understand the hate part, it’s why they take it out of the innocents? People who have not made govt policy or supported their actions. I hate our govt, I hate the Tory Party, right- wing fascists etc, etc but As much as I might be angry with the people that prop them up and give them their support, I wouldn’t dream of harming them.
It it just about religion though? I believe religion is the excuse to unite the factions, it’s more than religion, you can link in Economic restrictions, foreign policy amongst the reasons for unrest.
What possible excuse would there be to blow up a concert full of kids, shoot shoppers on the streets of austria, knife people on a london street, drive a lorry through tourists in nice, blow up innocent passers by on an underground train etc etc etc many of whom are the same religion as you, none will have even thought of doing you harm previously? Nobody with a modicum of rationale could justify these actions. Even if you take into account the British empire, blair, a silly cartoon and all the rest of it, these religious fruitcakes are targeting people with no links whatsoever to their bullahit cause
The rallying call may be religion, that’s the uniting thing, The root causes/s can be and often are, other issues.
Mostly it’s people from war torn areas where the military hardware has been supplied by western sources . There’s lots going on in these country’s lots of which go unreported Lots of the suicide bombers have seen friends and relatives killed or maimed . The people who pray on these mostly children or young men brainwash them into thinking they are avenging their friends or relatives and that it’s Gods will etc whilst they themselves are cowards and use these kids . There’s many atrocities that Western backed Govts or freedom fighters/Terrorists (depending on which viewpoint you have . It’s these people that need targeting as the cannon fodder are usually uneducated or easily coerced and dispensable . There’s a lot of murkiness in this buisness with Govts of all proportions often involved directly or indirectly some on their own people.
Just been announced that the UK Terrorist threat level raised to severe meaning our Security services are expecting an attack.