So kids have to still continue schooling. Mixing with hundreds if their mates. Yet all of their out of school leisure activities have been stopped for a month because of covid. Can someone explain please.
Especially hard to explain are singles tennis and golf. I even struggle to understand why I can’t do an outdoor bootcamp where we are all socially distant have our own mats and weights etc.
Apparently they want Labour to work in a cross party effort. Rosena Allin Khan asks Nadine Dorries 8 times to work cross party for Care for Carers. Nadine Dorries tells her to basically shut up and "try harder in the next election". What a shambles.
I guess the logic is that the benefit of education is seen as greater than the benefit of football, exercise etc They have to make multiple trade offs - therefore it will appear illogical
Yes the new impositions are bizarre and illogical Boris and his cronies say they want to protect our kids education. They want to protect the economy. They want to protect people's health and well being. Their constant half assed decision making, regular about turns, following the science only when it suited them, and the lack of any common sense in their arbitrary and confusing instructions to the population has guaranteed that they have dismally failed on all fronts. The infection rate has rocketed since schools and unis went back Pubs and hospitality in general introduced strict safety protocols which were pretty well enforced Boris's response? Allow the schools and unis to stay open, but "lockdown" after lessons finish for the day (obviously the virus is only active out of school hours) Shut down hospitality en masse This is not a real lockdown, just as the first one wasn't, so in 4 weeks time what will have been achieved?
There is no logic, the government , vallance, and the spectre of doom whitty are completely grasping at straws...
That was one of the most arrogant (and possibly drunk) displays I have seen from a Tory recently, and there have been lots of examples.
Forties’ response was shameful - and yet, people voted her as their MP - as a health minister, she should show some class & listen but, of course, she (like others) takes her lead from her PM
Whitty says they didn’t suggest stoping kids sport. See tweet I linked to above. So where did Cummings get that one from
Because the bloke that shopped him for going to Durham runs an under eleven football team. I am joking of course, but you should get my drift.
Apparently my lad can play for the school football team but not his saturday and sunday sides. Would that pesky covid know if he played for his school on a saturday morning like we used to? As for the spectator side of it, id happily foresake that part if it gave my lad release in his last year of his gcse'. It might actually be the difference between an a and a b.