teaching assistant at daughter's school contacted re track and trace - one of her contacts has tested positive - TA is having a covid test - if positive all the class will have to stay at home - just her class not whole school.
So all the kids don't come into contact with other kids at break time, walking between classes and mixing with other families now then Explain to me again why schools are staying open
The noises I’m hearing would suggest yes. Not heard anything specific or concrete at all but there’s a general feeling around school and when that happens it’s basically always right. The feeling a few days ago was for around when this lockdown was due to end but it seems to have changed today to sooner.
Isnt Johnson supposed to be doing a press conference about now - so I guess it will be another hour or so - wonder if its just to crow about the furlough extension or if its to do anything with schools. Its interesting I had to drop my car off this morning and my walk home takes me past a junior school and social distancing between kids and in particular parents wasnt well followed at all - in fact it looked just like a normal school day
I didn’t know about the press conference, surely anything important would have been ‘leaked’ before now though.
Got to feel for young ones though. Can't go out with mates and play football but are expected to learn about Algebra
Johnson just re-iterated in his press conference that schools will remain open. But then this lot have done so many u turns in the last few months,that could be reversed by this time tomorrow
That doesn’t mean that schools won’t close though. Schools were shutting left, right and centre through lack of staff before the first lockdown. We’re running on bare bones right now and getting new cases every day.
Daughters college told them Monday all lessons were going on line from next week and gave impression regular schools will stay open but not colleges/Uni etc. Would that reflect the feeling or is more across the board?
This lockdown isnt as strict as the last one it's more or less just putting a stop to everyone's social activities meeting friends, going gym, playing sports, shopping, eating out, pubs all a no go. The roads weren't any quiter this morning on my commute. I cant see them shutting schools.