When will the key workers get their sweetener out of the government goody bag of treats? Will it be tax reductions or a lump sum? Will it be another fooking clap every Thursday?
Correct. They should. At the very least be be concerned. Its highly likely that a massive percentage of those currently on furlough are going to find that the longer this charade goes on the lower the chances they have of a job to return back to. All furlough does is provides assistance to the payroll. It doesnt cover rent, it doesnt cover overheads even if sat empty still needs to be paid. Or employers contributions which have to be made even without cash flow. Companies have trimmed the fat through out the summer to keep trading. They have spent fortunes being made "Covid Secure". How long do you think they can keep spending a grand a month, two grand and upwards with minimal to no returns before chalking **** on it and saying it isnt worth the hassle any more.
Meanwhile some of us have had jack **** since March. Now got COVID-19 too. Giving up music. It's over. No ****** patronise me there will be some great parties in the summer, as I'd quite happily hit you in the face. Liquidation, creditors, bailiffs, court cases, pain & maybe a new job back in the corporate world if I can retrain & find a house, after 25 years in music, despite them taking my ******* taxes, it ain't a proper ******* job. Football can **** off. Leaving here for a bit, despite you mostly being tremendous people, I can't hold it together. Not seen a ******* soul for 8 days.
Life's **** right now, but try and keep your chin up mate. Above all else, please don't do anything daft.
We run payrolls for clients and the level of redundancies is concerning. One client has released 20% of staff already, high salary level . Worrying times.
I'm losing my business of 25 years, my house and i've got COVID. Every time the phone rings it is bad news. No one can help other than that cunny Sunak. He's been questioned on this in the House of Commons loads of times as has the Tiny Johnson. I really should just pull myself together & be glad most people are on 80%. If you think I'm overreacting I'm really not amongst friends. Ta