Fingers crossed for you mate. I got the news last Friday, and whilst I knew it was coming, it's still a ***** feeling.
Really sorry for you - its happened to me a couple of times in my career and its not nice. Both times I got myself sorted again but I guess its not so easy this time round. Ive also had to make people redundant and I can tell you that thats just as bad if not worse at the time, though you recover quickly from that one. Hope you can get something to keep you going for another couple of years until you retire
No need to feel sorry for me Farnham, as I said in an earlier post, I've got a couple of occupational pensions and my partner Anne gets a full state pension. Her house is owned outright and although I'm paying a mortgage till August 2022, my daughter is renting my house so it doesn't cost me too much. We can get by. The ones I feel for are the younger generations whose financial future has been blighted by COVID and Brexit.
NIC contributions, Pension contributions, uniform, holiday entitlement, mobile phone, company car, healthcare - anything that you’re entitled to, you still get. Can’t remember what November % contribution is, but October was 60% contribution, with employer to take that to 80%. There are costs involved. Which is fine if the employer can afford it and can see your position being still relevant/needed next year. Sadly, if none of the above, the company has to do it. Also, with furlough, it needs to be sensibly linked to COVID-19. Anything that blatantly isn’t, is tax fraud.
Am I right that a lot of cars are going to Southern Ireland at the moment as the demand/price is higher? Vans/commercials still staying here as prices are on the up?
Wise words Orsen. When I was considering early retirement the already retrired lads around me in east block lower all to a man said it would be OK and go for it and they were right. My lads last day today as a beer cellar technician but he's only 35 so retirement is out of the question.
So sorry chief, if you need any help give me a shout. I mean this honestly if you need any help legally or just someone to bounce ideas off PM me. It's down to us all to help each other. Again I'm so sorry
Totally agree Brush. Feel desperately sorry for younger people who have had to pay eye watering sums to even get themselves on the property ladder. First property I ever bought was via a mortgage in 1972 and cost us £5,250 over a twenty year term. Just before I retired, a colleague asked me to witness a legal document for a house that his wife and himself were taking a loan out on in Beauchief one of the better areas of Sheffield. At £310,000 I thought if I had that hung round my neck, I'd never be able to sleep at night. As far as I'm aware, thankfully they are both in jobs earning good salaries as a Procurement specialist and a Solicitor respectively. Watched a programme on TV the other night. It featured the director of the Leeds based debt charity First Steps. He was saying, that new customer levels were at record highs and urged anyone who were in trouble with mortgages, overdrafts or credit cards to not to panic or do anything daft, but to get in touch with them and they would help sort things out for them. Some of the tactics used by certain lenders is positively evil. A former colleague was once telling me about the hassle he had experienced with not being able to pay his Barclays credit card. He kept getting threatening calls from Barclays so called " agent" Mercers Ltd. Turned out they are part of Barclays. Recorded all their calls and passed them on to First Steps. The latter managed to strike a deal with Barclays where no further interest was added and a manageable monthly figure was drawn down by FS and paid to Barclays until his debt was discharged in full.
I've got a 1-to-1 meeting next thursday with my manager. Apparently I can invite another colleague, but I can't really see the point to be honest. See my post in reply to Farnham-Red from yesterday.
Dunno mate, but I worked in commercial vehicles and last year we had an award for making £1M or something.
Daft question - but are you in a union / have you got a union rep. Invite them to the meeting if so. There's better people on here with more knowledge than me about this, but I think they tell you to invite another person is to confirm they don't fabricate the information they are telling you when you both walk out of the meeting
Not in a union, there are no unions involved as far as I can see. We had to elect "Consultation Representatives" at the start of the process in October. A the meeting is on Teams, I assume there is a way of recording it.
Sorry to hear this Yes, in Teams once you start the call click the three dots on the bar above the video. There's a menu there including 'Start Recording'.