I'm not the one complaining. Edit: I meant that you were the one moaning, not that you used to live the dream.
I think he means the majority of those that could be ar5ed to go and vote. Baffles me how, for such an important issue, nearly 30% of the eligible voters sat on their backsides and couldn't be bothered to walk a couple of 100 yards to their nearest polling station.
I didn't vote (which I've bitterly regretted ever since) - on the day of the vote I was working in Telford, and couldn't face the 5-hour round trip to vote after working all day (only to have to come home again on the Friday after work). Due to the late scheduling, I didn't know I was going to be working away until after it was too late to arrange a postal ballot.
Apologies for generalising. There will obviously be a small percentage for whom it is difficult but I was meaning those that hardly ever vote at any time. Our female neighbour never votes on the basis of "One vote isn't going to make any difference". I'm always telling her that women died so she could vote but she just laughs. I always vote whether it be local council elections, national elections or referenda. Always amazes me that nearly 70% don't bother to turn out for local elections.
Like so many others I didn't vote because I didn't have enough information to make an informed choice. Well I knew what I thought (remain) but that was based on extremely limited information and with the whole campaign shrouded in lies I didn't think it right that I voted in something I didn't fully understand. For that I completely name the remain campaign which was absolutely awful and practically none existent. I also wrongly assumed that as a referendum is not legally binding and is essentially just an opinion poll that unless the result showed a clear and overwhelming majority in favour of leaving then they would preserve the status quo. Instead it turns out that if thirty odd percent of all the eligible electorate give their opinion in one direction then that is the direction that MUST be taken regardless of any new information that comes to right such as a key player in the campaign admitting they lied live on TV within hours of the result
a referendum to stop the Tory party tearing itself in 2 was always going to be acted upon. Meanwhile there’s still people, even in this thread who think they will benefit. It’s all very strange. Fish.
Probably because it wasn't legally binding and I guess a lot of folk didn't think that that many people would be either A - hoodwinked by the lies, B - selfish enough / in on the scam C - couldn't be arsed D - had genuine concerns about some EU policies E - cast what they thought was an anti establishment vote but didn't think they'd actually "win" F - are racist as funk and thought leaving would mean "less foreigns" (Puts on tin hat)
We lose out massively if there’s any barriers to trade. Our businesses that sell to the EU, of which there are many, will be less competitive - some will go bust. Anything we buy from the EU will become more expensive - we lose out, so do our businesses. We might, as you say, be able to buy stuff from elsewhere. But it’ll be more expensive. No free trade agreement is a nightmare situation, and one that the Leave campaign said would not happen. They lied, and we’ll all suffer for it.
It HAS happened fully, you can’t be a bit in and a bit out. We are out. How can you not understand this.