David - please be aware that someone has hacked your account and is posting **** in your name to embarrass you...
The only niggle I have (and it is not Matts fault) rather 'penny pinching iFollow) is he occasionally 'misreports' or overlooks some things which are happening because iFollow viewers have more viewing options (especially in the Championship where you have multiple cameras and instant replays) and Matt doesn't. He is reliant on plain eyesight with no 'zoom lens' and whether he is in that 'crows nest' gantry or in some 'behind the pillar restricted view' or where home fans stand up in front of him and block his view (which I understand has happened a few times) he is at a disadvantage. When you combine that with his relatively unbiased commentary he does occasionally give the benefit of the doubt to a) referees and b) the opposition when iFollow viewers are (probably) sat at home screaming for a yellow/red card and wondering what Matt is watching? That said sometimes his matchday summarisers (Particularly Bobby H.) seem to be a bit overly negative in an attempt to be impartial. Again IMO, an iFollow commentator unlike a National or local radio commentator is catering solely for home fans and so there is nothing wrong with viewing the game through 'rose tinted' glasses as long as it is not totally biased. For me Matt 'pitches it' about right. If the performance is dire he doesn't dwell on it but calls a spade a spade. Long may he continue.