UPDATE As expected, not all retailers will be opening in September. Despite being 90% let, we’ll only see the public square, TK Maxx, Next, and Sports Direct open next month. Superbowl is expected to open in October. The more exciting new additions for Barnsley, Cineworld and Nando’s, won’t be opening until early next year which is a shame, but understandable. https://theglassworksbarnsley.com/news/the-glass-works-square-and-new-shops-to-open-next-month/ ORIGINAL POST Hearing that Flannels/Cruise have signed up for a unit. Will still be a while before it’s confirmed/announced, but that’s definitely a decent shop coming to town with all things considered. It won’t be for everyone, but if you’re happy to spend £300 on a pair of trainers and £1k for a Canada Goose parka, you’ll be happy!
Ha that’s very true. The one in Leeds is renowned for it. This one will be right in the corner of the new arcade next door to Next, at least no cars will be able to get to it!
A lot of unhappy market stall owners considering these shops coming into the development are getting free rent. Deichmann have been offered 5 years free rent in that shop. I know it helps bring people into the town etc, but it's a kick in the teeth to the many devoted market stall holders that have done that very job for many years!
Five years rent free??!!! Belongs in the bonkers thread if true...and who’s subsidising all these free rents, or as a local council tax payer am I better off not asking?
Nothing wrong with asking at all. Getting the facts and then forming an opinion makes for good debate. Now I’ve gone and done it.
I stopped buying top dollar designer gear about 20 years ago. Too much fake stuff about. Canada Goose is a prime example.
They’ll still be paying business rates I imagine. Otherwise in the current climate, the building would be empty. We are where we are unfortunately.
Used to think the same about Ralph Lauren in the 90s but you can spot a snide a mile off - look at the rest of the clothes they're wearing
Something I've never understood. If you like the design of something then yeah sure I understand why you'd but and wear that item but why do people spend ridiculous amounts of money JUST because of the little logo on it and then look down on someone who wears something identical looking but is fake? It all seems very much like a class thing to me like wanting to prove theyre richer than them
Tracksuit from Matalan I heard. Keep it to thissen tha can borrow mi card if tha wants. Don’t want anyone on here. Tekking mick.
TBF mate that’s been around since as long as I can remember at least. If mam n dad worked when ar worra lad. Levi’s Just Mam or dad worked. possibly lee rider/wrangler Or like my dad. “ it’s just a pair of jeans” Brutus at best. To be honest nowadays it’s anyone’s guess who are the top dogs in designer jeans. They all claim to be top brands. Tk maxx for eg. Most I’ve never heard on. Still overpriced. TBF also I think the stigma of some shops has disappeared n’all. Parndland. Primarni matalan . Even charity shops. Lots of people who would have had the designer attitude years gone by. Now bragging to their mates how little they’ve paid ( especially women) Possible downside throwaway economy. Primarni the perfect example. Wear once. New outfit next week.
Yeah it's always been around as long as I remember I've just never really understood it. When I was a kid I remember having a pair of hitec (is it hitec?) trainers and knowing they weren't exactly cool. I understand it a lot with kids because they don't really know much better but I'll never understand why adults care at all what anyone wears and I especially don't understand the 'its fake I'm better' comments that people say. You can't beat George at Asda