Pompey, West Ham, Miwwaw and Stoke spring to mind as 'interesting' games to be an away supporter. West Ham were the proper watch merchants back in the day. Had a mini bus rocked by Huddersfield fans as well. Chased by Cardiff fans in Paddington who thought we were Arsenal fans with the red scarves. Talking of Paddington the Western Counties pub brings back happy memories Strangely I now work very near there and took a trip down memory lane a few years ago to see it was still there albeit it's now the Sawyers Arms
Old Fudge got locked up at Stoke for being drunk and disorderly. We tried to argue he was slurring because of his speech defect but the coppers weren't having it. Had to listen to him moaning when they let him out after the game if I remember correctly
Also remember the police and dogs coming on to that big terracing at Plymouth. They looked proper vicious sods. So did the dogs
Talking to a copper afterwards and they’d been told we’d be bringing about 500, more than 10 times that many travelled and when it became obvious that the corner section was nowhere near big enough they had to clear half of the terracing down the side. It was a brilliant match spoiled only by the scoreline.
It wasn't a white minibus near Leeds Road estate was it, in the middle of a 3 point turn as it hit you?
14th Feb 1981. It was my 21st birthday. I'd probably not have had celebrating it crammed up against a load of blokes at Middlesbrough as top of my wish list but seeing us give Boro a real fright was actually not a bad way to spend the day.
We were in a Maynards mini bus and some Terriers fans decided to push against the bus even though the bus had mainly middle aged people on rather than younger fansi
We were walking through an estate towards car, there was a minibus turning in front of us; there was a blood curdling shout of "Red necked bstards" behind me. As a timid 14 / 15 year old I turned to see the commotion, there was a group of lads running towards us and one threw a brick which whistled past my nose into said mini-bus. Remember it like yesterday, after the 27k + crowd at their place, 3rd division, ended our unbeaten epic run. Fairly sure Middleboro in cup was week or so after?
Oh aye, Millwall was also on the no-go list, obviously! Even though they only ever brought about 200 fans tops. I guess that at least 150 of them would have been absolute nutters.
Can anyone else remember a game against Dirty Leeds at Oakwell back in the 80s - in days of fans being fenced in? Anyway, some trouble broke out in the away end so plod sent a dog in to sort it out. 2 minutes later the dog flew over the fence and landed on the pitch. I'm sure I've not dreamed this...
Selwyn , or at least I think that was his name, used to like to go in the away end didn't he ? Club could have made money with a prediction competition on when he got thrown out. Always turned up in the town centre pubs afterwards though. We had some 'interesting' supporters back in the day
Laughing at some of these.( weren’t funny at the time) but hope there’s 2 here to amuse you. QPR away one of the club busses arrived 1/2hr after kick off . Driver Thinking the fans were taking the piss asking him which way he was going. Even through the blackwall tunnel. South of the Thames. QPR north of the Thames ( for those not in the know.) Took em to Crystal Palace. Can’t believe anyone who realised he went clockwise instead of anti-clockwise on the M25 didn’t question his judgement so to speak. We. Hoyland reds set off from tarn about the same time. And had at least a couple of hrs in Shepherd’s Bush afore the game. ( night match) Spurs 2nd appearance during premier league. ( went to both) Either league or cup not sure which. Walking to ground. colours on. Kicked off near turnstyes. 3 burley Spurs Fans in front walking as though they’d tree trunks inside their arms. One saying “fakin noverrners. Cam on let’s sort the fackers out’” Turns round sees us in colours. Said “ we’re the fackin Spurs you cants, ” I said “ we’re fackin Barnsley wots up wi thi” Nowt kicked off plenty of Bobbies within arms length. Am not that bloody daft.
See my story in another thread, missed the kick off to QPR game. Lived in Reading at the time, 35 mile journey, set off at 1 pm. Missed kick off ffs.
Check the edit mate. Spurs story . P1ssing us sens laughing walking at back of them bow legged. arms carrying invisible basketballs. Probably in their 40s giving it what for. Picture the scene. I can’t stop giggling recalling it.
I was in the away end at that game. Chelsea fans were coming in all through the game, it was like a war zone. Our coach arrived outside the ground just before kick off and we got set in by Chelsea fans as we queued to get in the ground. After the final whistle we celebrated a 2-1 win knowing that we faced a long hostile walk back to our coaches a few hundred yards from the ground. Made it back in one piece but a few were less fortunate. A pretty frightening experience even by 1980s standards!
got locked in the Boleyn pub for our own safety after the West Ham night match with Hammers fans hammering on the doors. Can smile now but back then............