OK, but try and get some advice beforehand. I've tagged @Marlon @Hooky feller who have more knowledge of unions than I do (apologies if I've not remembered correctly). They may be able to help
I'd agree with that. I retired 3 years ago at 55 and haven't regretted it once. Everyone's situation is different, of course, but for anyone considering it, the one thing I'd recommend is doing a thorough review of your finances, top to bottom. Work out an annual and monthly budget, and then stick to it as far as possible - especially in the first year. That was the crux of it for me. Once I'd got past the first year, and was sure the finances were in good shape, I was a lot more relaxed ("and less of a tightarse" says Mrs Goat). Even though I've always thought myself to be financially savvy, it's surprising how much extra you might save when you really focus on the fine details. Good luck @Brush. I hope thing work out ok for you.
Hey up Brush I Would like to offer advice mate. But redundancies are out of my league. I’ve never had to deal with compulsory redundancies. I know how they work regarding payment. Be it state or enhanced. It sounds as though you’ve already worked that out. I assume mortgage protection may come into play if it exists. Also. But it doesn’t seem you need it. You may be able to extend the length of the mortgage to reduce payments. I don’t know how you are fixed but it sounds as if you have around £12k in future payments. If you have enough savings it may pay to look at an exit by paying it off. ( that £600 pm still hurts) Get shut of that if it’s financially the right thing to do . Eg save a fair bit in interest over the next 2 yrs. (but that may not be worthwhile.) As others say I think you’ll be ok. It’s a big jump to retire. I’m part time until I reach state pension 2 yrs. But will probably jack in sooner. I’m same as you, no matter what other folk say I’m struggling to take that leap when I know I’ll not struggle to cope.
Had these flyers done a couple of years ago but then got the job at BCA so nothing came of it, I think I'll have another go. So if you live local to me (unlikely) and you've got a broken bike, I'm your man.
Had my 1-1 meeting. I'm in a pool of 53 people and there are only 16 jobs. I wasn't in the 16. There was some good news, they have some new jobs in their IT department - in Essex. Well I ain't relocating to Essex but there might be a chance of an IT job working from home. I'll give it a try, nothing to lose.
Does your line of work have unions? The ideal of remote working is something any good union would look at to save jobs. Even if once or twice a month you have to show your face in the office. Home working is something most office based employers have to look at for staff covered by the provisions of the Equality Act, so it would be a run of the mill approach by a union official.
No unions here mate. I "retired" from IT 3 years ago, I've been working on the yard (taking pictures of vans on an iPad) at BCA commercial vehicles. At the meeting they were quite surprised at my IT background... They seemed to think I'd have a good chance but time will tell.
Fingers crossed mate, it always amazes me how some bosses never fully check employees full career achievements and experience. Untapped knowledge and experience passed over for blow hards who can play buzz word bingo. When I interview I quickly get through the departments selected non sense questions and then ask actual ask questions of why someone is fit for the job and that they know what the job entails. My bosses don't like it but everyone I've took on hasn't been a nightmare and done a good job. Some want promotions purely for status and the money, not that they're capable.
back up to 80% in November, December & January to be assessed for the final two months. As a Payroll Manager l have ******* hated the past 8 months doing that ******* thing but when you hear these types of stories its better than the alternative. I'll crack on with the long hours and new legislation coming in on a daily basis. Hope you get sorted brush
Did same as you at 55 and never looked back, had a year off then picked up a little job to suit me, like youself was always money wise and once I realised not working full time and travelling to and from work saves ya a fortune I got so relaxed am horizontal...also got to travel to more away night games and loved it...