It’s non profit so obviously the Tory’s hate it . There’s plenty wrong with some in aspects of it but there’s more right with it imo with all the diverse stations etc . I don’t watch much ITV live if there’s something I want to watch I tape it and cut out the adverts . Usual an hour long drama lasts 35 mins once those are cut out and most of the freeview channels are just full of fekin adverts .
Maybe this particular employee who wrote 'record' in the headline should be hung drawn and quartered for such a crime against humanity but generally the BBC really are one of the few things great coming out of Britain. I wish they would cease with the apologising on behalf of other people like when the microphones pick up some swearing. I hate apologising for things out of your control. But apart from that, and a tendency to over do dumbing down things, it produces excellent content.
What I don't like is that things no longer increase, they SURGE, ROCKET or RIP THROUGH, or they don't decrease they PLUMMET.
Exactly. It's sensationalist and it is no longer reporting the news, it's an attempt at creating the news. They aren't happy just to tell you the facts they have to make a story out of it.
I don't like editorialized news. Give me facts and raw data I can then form my opinion. I do value opinions just not when it is presented as news.
My biggest problem with the BBC, particularly on the radio, is their constant need to seek the views of the public. When something serious or interesting happens, I don't want to know what Joe Bloggs down the road thinks, I want to hear what the experts know.
Most episodes of Belgravia are 45 mins excluding ads (per IMDB) Interestingly, the amount of advert time in ITV shows appears to have increased* since the 90s. The two hour show Midsomer Murders, for example, weighed in at 1hr 42min per episode in its opening season (1998), but by series 4 (2006) the episode length had gradually been reduced to 1hr 33 mins (or 46.5 mins per broadcast hour). The source for this is my own DVD collection, but also verified on IMDB. * I say "appears to have increased" because that's the only show I've looked at. I'm not sure if the increased advert time is standard across ITV shows during that period, or specific to Midsomer - perhaps linked to its ratings?
I agree, but they over dramatize things for effect don't they. It's not news if things go up slightly, is it
BBC reporting this morning Ripper has died. FFS he only stopped breathing several hours ago! DISGRACEFUL!
From BBC News: TWISTED Peter Sutcliffe, BUTCHER of 13 women, was DELIVERED to hell by Covid-19 last night. The HIRSUTE mass killer 74, known as the Yorkshire Ripper, REJECTED treatment from caring medics, and was subsequently TAKEN for a ride on the death-train of Satan, four billion. Gap-toothed PSYCHOPATH Sutcliffe had been planning to marry his obsessed US pen-pal, until he sensationally DUMPED her last year.
Tha confusing mi even more not hard mind. The thread never mentions mortality rate. Where’s that come from ? Headline: A record 33,470 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK government's latest daily figure. if 33,470 people were tested that’s 100% positive tests If 100k were tested that’s 33.470 % positive tests. If 200k were tested that’s 16.735 % positive tests. = 50% less positive cases. But the same number of people. Tis why a % shows a more true reflection of what’s happening.
China tested* about 11million people in a fortnight in Wuhan and 9million in one week in Qingdao (iirc) *Whether you believe those figures or not is up to you, but they are claiming they are mass testing entire cities where an outbreak is detected. Of those 33,470 people, at 1% IFR then ~300-350 will die within the 4 weeks after their test. A similar figure will spend a few weeks in intensive care, probably around 1000 will need hospital beds for shorter stays or ambulance visits, a few thousand will suffer from long covid and according to recent research ~6000 will develop some form of mental illness as a result of the infection. It also loses the UK economy up to 350,000 man days of productivity due to self-isolation. That is just from those figures released on that one day.