Now decided he will be leaving nis job within Downing Street. Wonderful. Makes a complete mess of everything then fks off before the **** really hits the fan on Jan 1. What a mess he and these tories have us in.
If I was a cynic I might think that the issues with any agreement with the EU around security and extradition would make it harder to bring back someone for trial if they were to make a mess of the negotiations and flee into the EU....
He said in Jan he was planning on ‘making himself redundant’ by the end of the year. Timing coincidence?
He is or was a communist , He could still well be because the middle and upper class communists are a funny breed clinging on to the finer things in life whilst politically plotting against it . If he is and decides to defect to Russia in later life comrade Putin will reward him handsomely for Brexit . Because although Putin doesn’t practice communism anymore and the Russian politics are far removed from Communism (if it ever was) it’s the defacto stance when they are in retreat and want to rally the people they have been terrorising to their cause .
And capitalism is great if you’ve got nowt? Either vote for your poverty or have it bestowed ? Either way they stay rich whilst rest get the crumbs .
Its being reported that just a few weeks ago "he" invested in reworking his office with new screens to monitor large amounts of information. It's a very strange thing to do if you know that you are going to be going in a matter of weeks. And we know he has history in rewriting blogs after the event following his Durham jaunt. I think the reality is a mix of several factors. The wrath of a woman scorned biding her time. The lockdown leak likely coming from Cain or Cummings and the parliamentary party seeing that as the final straw and twirled into the mix Johnson seeing his exit being forced upon him if he didn't encourage the vote leave faction out, to try and reinvent himself and the party as something else to appeal to different populist tones, especially with Trumps defeat across the pond. We should never be surprised that Johnson will literally do anything for his own ends, no matter who he crosses in the process, though will always be surprised when those affected and with his past choices come back to bite him. I'll be very surprised if he's not falling on his sword early in the new year. It's very tory. Strip the advisers to try weaken the leader and manipulate more. When that fails, only then will the figurehead fall and the subtle coup d'etat will be delivered.
"A No 10 insider told me Mr Cummings "jumped because otherwise he would be pushed soon", suggesting that, in the last few days, the prime minister saw that the former Vote Leave team was just "in it for themselves"." And it took him this long to realise?!
What a joke. All the **** he's done this year and Boris fůckwit was going to sack him for that! Unbelievable, truly mind boggling unbelievable
You may well be correct. TBH I took the info from the BBC site on face value where they said He wrote last year he hoped to make himself "redundant" by the end of 2020 and told me late last night that is what he will do.
Its a genuine dilemma for me. I cant decide whether i would rather watch his lifeless carcass devoured by maggots or meytflies.
He isn't leaving his post *after* Brexit. We have barely finished the first chapter of Brexit. The "fun" starts in January (Happy New Year!!), for which the UK negotiating position has been woeful at best - and for which Cummings has quite a lot of responsibility.