It should mean that government ministers after 200 days as of tomorrow of avoiding Good Morning Britain may start appearing on there again now that the two advisors who are responsible for it have both gone.
Good riddance to him. Those idiots who voted for Brexit and the Tories, those like Nudger, will have it on their conscience how they've fcked the country. At least he's gone. Short term pain, for hopefully long term gain.
Moral compass. Like myself - she’s an environmentalist and was at the Bird Fair same day as me in 2019. Unfortunately I didn’t see her. Boris describes himself as a green Tory - which is another reason to support him. Labour Party is just an urban political party.
True story, Mr Cummings likes to gob off, that those in office based positions. He attended Dover where he was met by many vocal officers, he and Priti Evil/useless ran a mile. Neither wanted to meet union officials, just in case we might speak the truth and hurt their feelings. Cummings is a spineless get, who only picks fights with those weak of body, position and mind. Sounds awfully like the tw*t in number 10.
Boris hasn't done anything radical on the green agenda like other parties. Cummings made sure of that, sunlit uplands and all that.. Corbyn's manifesto pledged major investment in green energies etc, Starmer would be wise to follow suit. Lets not forget the Tories are the ones who support fracking. Hardly an environmentally sound move. Have to say though Ms Symonds' done more for this country in 2 days than Boris has in the last 18 months.
Don't give a flying fck. Whilst I'm here I'm gonna call you a cnt. People don't get banned from the BBS, so I'm in the clear. Fck off you fcking *****. You're a lovely person.
It will be interesting in the rest of this year of him going changes how the government deal with lockdown and Brexit.
Empire gave it 3 stars I think, praising Goldberg but said the story didn't really transfer from convent to farm.
You really do talk some tosh. Cummings along with a raft of younger Tories are a throwback to the old privileged days of the party. Do research his grandad, how he got his peerage, check Dido Harding’s grandad while you’re there. The Tory party of thatcher, and cabinet ministers who went to state school are the ‘old privileged’ types being overruled by this new raft of Eaton educated ‘born to rule’ bunch. Cummings, like Trump and Farage likes to pretend to be anti establishment when they’re the exact opposite. And in the US as here the thick working classes believe them with no consideration that they might be lying.
If Cummings is going to work his notice period from home then by law shouldn't he have been working from home all along? Either he can do his job from home or he can't.
He WAS working from home, No 10 Downing Street Apparently the SAS rapelled down the sides of the building, blew in the windows, tasered Cummins and then unhooked all the puppet strings leading from Cummins into Johnson's brain (found eventually to be in his nether regions) and freed the prime minister from the evil Cummins vampire cyborg. (OK I made that bit up) Johnson now has to be taught to think and speak for himself, recovery is thought to be a very long term goal
Would you. David CM. Approve of a relative of yours saying “give em some booit” . Because by saying that. To me it infers that’s their opinion, so a slur on what I believe most policemen, wouldn’t appreciate. The Met.( quite a few, not all ) during the miners strike. Were definitely of that opinion. I’m part of the SYPIAG group along with 3 other representatives of Barnsley FC And know the hard work they put in. To try engage with fans. The incident re the fan who got assaulted. ABH ( cos that was what it was, no matter which way it’s coloured up) by a copper who saw red mist. Did em all a dis-service. The only answer for me was to suspend him from day one pending investigation. Not to put him on desk duties. And I told the group in no uncertain terms that, ( as a member of the public and a union rep) The damage that caused was obvious for all to see. Yet the SYP hierarchy saw different. Leaving the coppers on duty at matches to face the music of the fans. I also have liaised with SYP (TD) as a supporters Branch organiser for as long as I care to remember and have a good relationship with TD who doesn’t see all fans as hooligans. ( unlike Boris, “working class beer swilling dregs of society” or words to that effect) TD has now moved over to another role. I hope his successor matches his way of communicating. With respect both ways. And an understanding of each other’s roles. like Nudge I always make it in my way to talk to the Police alongside the liaison officer (Martin years gone by TD of late) at away games. ( very rarely if ever have the opportunity to do it at home games) Out of courtesy and a show of support. Nudge Has police relatives, ( so can see no wrong with all police representatives) family of different race. and uses the excuse that is why he’s not a racist. ( he certainly does not give everyone that impression given the responses to and fro) Nudges excuses of non racism and love of all police. You couldn’t make it up. Here are my credentials My wife is of mixed race being it Mediterranean as is her kin. Abused as a young un because her colour was non white shall we say. I don’t use that as an excuse to being non racist. ( that’s just bollx) I have quite a few friends that are working or retired police officers, ( grew up with em, from mining stock) Doesn’t mean to say I totally trust all police officers. ( That’s just bollx) Treat everyone like you would like to be treated. With respect. Regardless of race etc. I believe Nudge needs to earn that respect. Cos he certainly doesn’t try.
I'm going to have to correct you there. The majority of those who voted in the referendum voted to leave the EU but to make your assertion correct there would have had to have been a 100% turn out. There was a total electorate of 46,500,001 of which 17,410,742 voted to leave which means 29m or so didn't vote to leave. The majority of people in this country didn't vote to leave.
This with bells on. From what little I’ve read of him he seems very vindictive. Someone in his position who stands in the corridors and hallways of Parliament just to openly goad and insult the leader of the opposition is someone to be watched in my opinion.