Can’t answer your question, but as someone who lives out of town, and having rarely visited the town centre over the last 9 months, I was quite shocked by the appearance of the buildings. It’s all a bit stark for my liking. Just a series of characterless huge boxes. I’m not anti-progress, but I find the whole thing very unattractive. Hopefully when it’s finished there will be some nice touches to make it more appealing.
Where was you looking from fired? Did you by any chance come down harborough hill and see the buildings from the back?
Came down Regent St, then round the back of the Interchange, down Pontefract Rd. is their a better view?!
Yes, that side is absolutely awful. It's the huge cinema box and looks to be honest like a monstrosity and round the back is just as bad. The side facing onto cheap side though looks really good, they just seem to have completely forgotten about design when it came to the back and side
It looks infinitely better than the 60s/70s concrete monstrosities that have been replaced. Saying that folk in 40 years time will be saying the same of this. The design has probably been directed by finance. Yes it looks a a little utilitarian but an improvement nonetheless.
That was exactly my thought when I saw it - that people would look back on it in years to come, and wonder how it was allowed to happen... much like the way people view the high rise stuff of the 60s. What really annoys me is that there are some nice buildings in the town centre, that have just been allowed to be built on top of/ or have been given terrible unsympathetic frontages. I’m thinking of the old co-op buildings at the top of the arcade, the art deco buildings around Royal St and also near the bus station, opposite the Cinema, the old Brittains (?) / Thoms building on Market Hill, and my absolute pet hate, the old Draycotts Bar. All of which, if renovated appropriately, would be fine buildings. Can’t help thinking that the planners have let down our town, allowing some of that to happen.
Half of the town centre has absolutely beautiful buildings. The best thing for them would be an industrial sandblaster to strip them back to the original frontages. And after that the old bus building has to be ripped down. It's an absolute eyesore with the way it overhand making cheap side dark
P Not sure which building you mean, but the corner one with the Chippy, near the bus station, in its time would have been a fantastic building - again it has been added to and as such messed up. It could be restored to its former glory.
I believe they have plans to ‘do’ the frontage of the Civic Hall on Eldon Street. Which is the old bus building by the way?
The chippy one is getting knocked down. If you mean the white one that used to be woodies. I mean the former BHS building on cheapside which was next to boots. It's now a sports direct. In fact the boots building is ugly too. Needs the concrete canopy above the door ripping off and some cladding over the pebbledash
Granted. It may look alot better when complete, but just the colour - how do you even arrive at that colour? What is it even? Ocre? Mustard? Just horrible.
Yes they were. You only have to look at the new polytechnics that were built during this period. I guess they appeared extremely modern at the time.